Chapter 9: Couple Meet Up

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Rajdeep and Nandini get dropped of in the hotel. They gave money to the driver and started to head towards the hotel.

"Wait." Rajdeep says. Nandini looked at him.

"Do you wanna walk around the garden for some time? It's really pretty." Rajdeep asked Nandini.

She thought for a while and smiled at him, nodding her head.

They walk towards the garden.

"Kunal, I am so bored. Are we just going to sit here." Mauli whined like a little kid.

It had been 30 minutes and all they hand done was sit down in a bench.

"So what are we suppose to do?" Kunal asked bored.

"What do you mean? We can walk and talk. Have you ever heard of that?" Mauli said.

Kunal looked the other way ignoring her. He just wanted to sit in the bench and breath in air.

"Fine. Just say here. I am going." Mauli huffed and started to go back to the hotel.

Nandini and Rajdeep walk around the garden. They didn't know what to say.

"Garden is nice." Nandini started of.

"I knew you would like it." Rajdeep said .

Nandini smiled and started to walk again.

"I will go to the washroom." Rajdeep excuses himself.

Nandini stood there for awhile, waiting for Rajdeep but when he didn't come she started to wonder around.

"Listen. Ms? Hello?" Nandini heard a girls voice behind her. She turns around and sees a girl wearing a yellow flowy dress.

Mauli was walking out when she sees the Ravan's wife walking around. She thought to go talk to her.

She called out to her and the women turned around. Mauli couldn't help but admire her beauty.

Mauli had noticed the first time that she saw Ravan's wife that she was really pretty but by close she looked even more pretty.

Her big doe shaped eyes holding innocence.

Looking at how she was dressed up, she looked like she was atleast in her mid twenties but her face made her look younger.

Why can't I be as pretty as her? Mauli thought.

"Ji, Do you need something?" The women politely asked.

"You are Rava—-I mean Mr. rajdeep's wife." Mauli slapped herself mentally for letting her tongue slip. She is his wife. She would feel bad if I call her husband Ravan.

"Yes. Sorry but who are you? I don't recognize you. Have we ever met before?" The women asked.

"Oh, you forgot me so quick. Remember airport, me, bag,?" Mauli said trying to refresh the women's memory.

"Oh, it's you." The women smiled, lightening up her face.

"First if I really want to say sorry. It was your bag, I should not have been disrespectful. And second of all, can I ask you a question?" Mauli said.

Nandini was a little surprised with the way that Mauli was talking to her like she knew her for ages when she didn't even tell her her name.

"What question?" Nandini asked.

The flowy dress girl looked around like she was scared of someone listening and whispered.

"Is your husband okay?" The flowy dress girl asked.

Nandini looked at the flowy dress girl like she was crazy.

"What are you saying?" Nandini asked.

"I have noticed that your husband is always in an annoyed mood and is always so cold. You know his stare reminds me of ice. So cold." Mauli continued.

Mauli waited for the women to answer but the silence was only getting longer.

"Nandini." Mauli heard the Ravan's voice behind her. She turned around and saw him looking at her, amused.

The women who's name was Nandini went to her husband.

"We should go now," Nandini took rajdeep's hand to take him out but his gaze was fixed on Mauli.

Mauli felt really uncomfortable with the stare.

"Mauli," Kunal came besides Mauli. He looks at Nandini and Rajdeep and smiles.

"Oh wow, we meetagain." Kunal gets his hand out to shake. Rajdeep looked hesitant but he still took Kunals hand.

"My name is Kunal."


The couple stood their, awkward. Nandini then cleared her throat.

"Rajdeep, we should go. It's pretty late."

They were about to go when Kunal stopped them.

"This is my wife, Mauli, and she had been talking about you a lot." Kunal said to Rajdeep.

Rajdeep stares at Mauli while she shifts uncomfortably.

"Talks about me?" Rajdeep asked but it sounded more of like an statement.

"Yeah. She has been saying stuff like you are scary and cold." Kunal continues.

Rajdeep slightly smiles as he sees Mauli trying to stop Kunal but he keeps going.

"Oh, that's why you were asking me if my husband was fine or not." Nandini says.

Mauli closed her eyes, feeling embarrassed.

"I know that when you first meet him he will seem cold but he is not really like that." Nandini smiles at Mauli.

Mauli also smiles at Nandini and was dragging Kunal with her.

"No, wait."

Kunal goes back to Rajdeep and Nandini.

"You know, I was thinking why don't we have double date tomorrow." Kunal asks.

Mauli glared at Kunal.

"What?" Nandini slightly shouts.

"Sorry, my husband is a little mad." Mauli apologizes.

"No," Rajdeep's cold voice stops the movement going on. "It's fine if we go on a date. I think it's a really good idea."

Nandini looks at Rajdeep, a little shocked but she recovers quickly. She nods her head in a yes.

"Good, tomorrow at 5:00 pm, meet me here again. I will take you to this really good place." Kunal finally leaves with Mauli.

Mauli was about to kill Kunal when she got to her hotel room.

"Rajdeep, why did you say yes for the date?" Nandini asks.

Rajdeep stares deeply into her eyes. Nandini lowers her eyes when she was unable to bear it.

"Wait for tomorrow. I will tell you." Rajdeep goes into the bed and sleeps, leaving Nandini wondering what it was that he wanted to tell her.

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