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Me: guys
Me: cass
Me: ky

Ky: what

Me: i need helppp

Cass: is this about phoenix?

Me: how did you know??

Ky: maybe bc you never shut up about her
Ky: just a guess tho

Me: stfu

Cass: how's not being a dick going?

Me: greaat. i'm a vagina now and i'm the best vagina there is
Me: and i think phoenix likes vagina-aza a lot more than dick-aza

Ky: are you saying you're sure now she's gay?

Me: possibly
Me: i'm still not 100% sure
Me: how do i know??

Cass: how about asking her?

Me: sure, i'll just go: hey, phoenix. do you like vaginas?

Cass: sounds fine to me

Ky: go for it

Me: fuck you

Cass: what were you thinking of?

Me: well

Ky: well?

Me: i thought maybe i could ask her out?

Cass: you want to ask her on a date when you don't even know if she likes girls?

Ky: sounds like a good plan

Me: i wouldn't call it a date, you morons
Me: i would simply ask her if she'd like to hang out

Ky: you'll get friendzoned

Me: friends is better than nothing
Me: i wouldn't mind being friends with Phoenix
Me: we are friends, actually
Me: i think

Cass: aww
Cass: look at our baby being desperately in love

Ky: we raised her well

Me: being friends will make it easier to get her into bed

Cass: you're a disgusting liar
Cass: i forgive you, but only bc you're in love

Me: stfu
Me: so should i ask her out?

Cass: yes

Ky: sure, any plans?

Me: well, that's kinda why i need help

Cass: you have no idea where you want to take her?

Me: i do
Me: to my bed

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