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A widely smiling Aza opens the door. "Good evening, my princess," she says, stepping out of her trailer. She drops a curtesy, takes my hand and kisses it.

"You are -"

"- the best. I know."

I give her a quick kiss. "I missed you," I say.

"It's been about two hours since you last saw me."


She takes me inside her trailer, takes my bag and puts it somewhere in a corner.

"Are you hungry?"


"Good," she says. "I mean, not good, but - I made something for you."

"Really? What?"


She leads me to the eating area, taking me by my hand, where on the small table is a plate filled with sushi.

"Sushi," I say.

"Sushi," she says. "You said it was your favourite, and I found this recipe online, and... I know you literally just had it yesterday, and I know that mine didn't turn out super well, but um... Well, I don't -"

"It's perfect."


"Yes." I give her a kiss. "Thank you."

We have dinner, I tell her about detention, she tells me about making sushi. I laugh at her jokes, she laughs at mine. We laugh together. We talk, about all sorts of things. We clean up, get changed - which is a little awkward -, and end up in her bed, watching a movie, cuddling.

"You're supposed to watch the movie," Aza says, "not me." She turns her head, looking at me.

"Sorry," I mumble, setting my eyes on the screen.

"It's all right, little tomato. I know I'm irresistibly attractive."

"Right." I kiss her, look at her. "Can I tell you a secret?"


"You are irresistibly attractive."

"That's not a secret, it's common knowledge."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

We kiss, deeply. We touch, daringly. We stop, taking a moment to breathe. She leans back, me on top of her, her hands around my waist. I look at her, hold up my fingers and softly trace her face with it, like I'm drawing on her skin. My fingers eventually end up on her lips. I lean forward and place a soft kiss onto them. I feel her smiling.

"Do you," I say, pulling back, "remember when we made out in the school closet?"

"Phoenix, that happened a few days ago, this week."

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