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Today I decided to explore the house. Since I was staying here until the new year, I wanted to get acquainted with it. I walked down the hallway, peeking into the rooms. I never understood why one person would need so many bedrooms.

As I made my way down the hallway, I saw different items, then a door opened. Okay, that's not creepy whatsoever. I walked towards the door, and it led to stairs. I made my way up the stairs to find an attic.

The attic held many things in it. Some items were antiques, while others were modern. This house must have had several owners. In the corner of the attic, someone put a trunk. I walked over and opened it to reveal more junk. Okay, the previous owners were pack rats.

The trunk contained a glass slipper, a fake apple, a toy frog, which made me giggle. I picked up a small yellow ball gown and looked at it strangely, then shrugged, setting it aside in the trunk. I kept finding odd things in the chest until I found a picture. The guy looked young and must have been the previous owner since it didn't have a name.

I smiled and set the picture aside as I rummaged through the trunk

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I smiled and set the picture aside as I rummaged through the trunk. Did I find a gingerbread house, a red hood, and a teddy bear? The other owner had some eclectic tastes. Perhaps the owner had children.

I closed the lid to the trunk and looked around the attic. Now, there must be Christmas decorations up here somewhere. Since Beast has been so kind, I wanted to surprise him with decorating his house for Christmas.


I went to check on Belle and found her missing. I searched the entire house for her. Please tell me that Belle didn't leave. I wasn't ready for her to go.

I asked the objects if they saw Belle, and each one gave me the same answer of no. I went back upstairs to find Belle's cape here, so she didn't leave the house, then I heard movement above me.

I stepped out of her bedroom and noticed the attic door opened. That's odd. It's the only door I couldn't open in the house. I tried everything, and the door never budged.

I made my way to the attic, going up the stairs, and peeking at the top to find Belle, struggling with a chair. I stepped up and walked towards Belle as she lost her grip. Belle stumbled back, falling into me as we both landed onto the floor.

I laid there as I lifted my head to look at Belle. She lifted her head and blew the hair out of her face. That made me chuckle.

"Sorry," Belle apologized as I helped her up.

"Dare I ask why you're in the attic?" I asked curiously.

"Well, I decided to explore the house, then a door opened, leading me up here to the attic. Then I thought, why not look for Christmas decorations, but got sidetrack, looking at old junk," Belle explained.

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