𝖔𝖓𝖊. For the Next Millennium

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A/N: Eva's outfit is above ⬆

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The Mikaelsons, led by Lucien, had arrived at the castle in the fine clothes of their earlier victims, where some sort of celebration was underway.

All of the newcomers looked nervous as they took in the grand interior of the castle, and Lucien had filled them in on the details they needed to know to blend in, effectively.

They had greeted the Count de Martel, convincing him of their fake identities. Later, at that party, Lucien was standing at the side of the room when Klaus approached him to talk to him.

"You've proven to be an immense help," Klaus told him.

Lucien chuckled before replying, respectfully, "Oh. Of course, my lord."

"Though I must say, you don't seem at all disturbed about leading us into your master's home," Klaus noted, narrowing his eyes at the human.

Lucien sighed nervously and looked over at Count de Martel, who was across the room talking to Elijah, "My master is a cruel drunkard who torments his minions for sport. Beggars who seek supper. Vassals who cannot pay a debt... like my own father."

"Ah," Klaus nodded understandingly.

Lucien turned to face him with anger lacing his words, "All these gentile folk, behind their silks and their jewels, are slavers. Killers. Whatever evil you are, you walk among greater evil still."

The human sighed, his expression softening slightly as he thought of her, "Except for one."

Klaus looked at Lucien curiously before he asked, "And who might that one be?"

"The Count's youngest daughter, Lady Evangeline. The Kindest of them all...One need only see her and know that the world will never run out of good,"  Lucien sighed lost in his thoughts about the youngest de Martel.

Suddenly, the attendants of the party began to whisper amongst themselves as a man walked with two redheaded women, who had their arms looped in his; the youngest on his left while the elder had her looped with his right one.

Klaus turned to see what everyone was talking about and was immediately taken by the beauty of the women before turning back to Lucien, "Who are they?" He questioned, curiously.

The two watched as the man and the two women walked across the room to greet the Count, "Oh, the Count's children-- the Lord Tristan, the Lady Aurora and the youngest, Lady Evangeline...the one I had just spoken of," Lucien trailed off, introducing the Count's children, gazing longly at the kindhearted de Martel.

"She is exquisite," Klaus whispered with his full attention on the eldest de Martel sister.

Evangeline felt someone's gaze on her as she turned around to see one of her long since known friends, Lucien. She quickly gave her father, siblings, and Lord Elijah a curtesy before excusing herself to greet Lucien.

"Luc, I had missed you," The de Martel smiled at her friend wholeheartedly before she looked at Klaus, "And who might you be?"

"Lord Niklaus," Klaus smiled, bringing Evangeline's hand to his lips so he'd plant a kiss on the back of her hand.

"Lady Evangeline," She smiled at him, introducing herself, "Pleasure."

"The pleasure is all mine."

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Evangeline awoke from her daydream with a scowl as she slammed her hand on the bedside table and reached the phone, "What, Tristan?"

"You know, for the older one, you are quite nosy," The Redheaded vampire spoke bitterly, rolling her eyes as she got off her comfy bed. 

She stood in the mirror with the phone on speaker as she applied her red lip gloss, "Sister, this isn't a joke. Our lives depend on this and I need you to be there. Promise me to appear there and on time."

Evangeline huffed as she took a look at her blood-red fingernails, "Fine, I promise. It will be my greatest torture to appear in New Orleans so I could defend and protect the bloody wanker's arse."

"If he dies, so do you, Eva, and I will not allow that, neither should you," Tristan reminded her.

"Sure, Tris. I still have a lot of red shades to try on. Can't die before 2013 ends and the new Winter collection comes out, now can I?" Evangeline joked, smirking at her reflection.

"Damn, I look hot," She grinned before going back to Tristan, "Goodbye, big bro."

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