Chapter 17

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In this manner, the summer passed. I worked. I studied. And sometimes, I got depressed. Lonely. I missed my girls. I missed my boys. I missed everything. I even missed Tony and shoving him out of the room. I got straight As that Summer and I watched my GPA sky-rocket. Pleased with myself and excited with the guys coming back to school I completely forgot about Clem. In a way, it was a blessing. But it did ruin my first day back because I got my hair done, new highlights, got new clothes with all my new money, and rushed back to school ready to embrace the boys.

Turning the corner and seeing them standing there, laughing in the Atrium, the morning sun capturing the magic of their youth erupted my heart. Then Victor turned to me with a wide smile and I let out a ridiculous squeal. The boys were back. Victor was back. My best friends were back. He looked so good, tanned, the sun bringing out the streaks of natural highlight to his hair, and he looked even more muscular, if that was possible. He strained against his white shirt with a giant hibiscus and the outline of the island.

"You're back!"

He grabbed me and hugged me, lifting me off the floor. He smelled like the sea, salty and carefree. Plus his signature cologne, that sharp citrus musk uniquely his.

"Becka!" Steven rushed at us from the side, making Victor and me stumble.

"It was so boring without you guys," I whined even with a smile on my face, taking them in, taking in the idea that they were all here and I was no longer alone.

"Why did you do this summer?" Steven asked.

"Oh, because of program Professor Allens is recommending me for, I had these prerequisites I had to finish," I tucked my hair behind my ear.

"What program?" Victor asked when Jon shoved me from the side making me topple into Steven.

"BECKY-GIRL!" Jon was lifting me but rough, making my carefully done hair unravel.

"Put her down, you animal!" Victor had to yank me away from him before I lost my breakfast in the atrium.

"You are looking good!" Jon looked me over, unperturbed by the near murder.

"I've been working," I said. "And studying. That's all I've done."

"I think you grew," Jon nodded.


I listened as the guys animatedly talked about their summers, we smiled and laughed at Steven accidentally hiring an escort in Atlanta and Victor told us about his cousin's wedding. Then, from my peripheral vision, I saw other people greet a newcomer. And I spotted a blond head. My stomach froze and I remembered Clem.




I ducked around Steven and quickly rushed up the stairs, even as Victor called out my name, I rushed to the bathroom and locked the stall. I felt like an utter idiot. First, I had forgotten about Clem. Second, there was still a part of me, a tiny little part that was attracted to him. He had changed. His hair was now cropped short, buzzed, he was bigger, far bigger, taller and muscled. And he still, despite all his problems, he still had that walk. Then I had run away. Victor had witnessed my exodus.

There I hid, sitting on the toilet, just staring straight ahead like an absolute coward. I took a deep breath when two girls entered the bathroom. I knew them, Pepper and the other I forgot her name. They were giggling and I sat quiet, hoping they would just leave.

"He looks so hot today," Pepper told her friend.

"He always looks hot," the friend replied and they giggled.

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