Chapter 28

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February eased most of the tension a between me and Victor, I found he no longer avoided me, and he even laughed like he always did around me. He even went back to his teasing; making fun of people as they spoke to me just to see me crack under his funny faces. My humanities class had me joining the Student Activity Club – we were doing an Arts in the Park event and I was roped into joining the coordination. The boys thought it was a ridiculous idea, they started planning their Spring Break in Daytona Beach; MTV would be there, and their plan was to make it on the cameras as they danced with girls. Each time they saw me it seemed I was either chatting with the Drama Club president or reading a tome for my literature class.

Chicago loomed in the distance, the months ticking by, and I refused to discuss it before the guys. I was mostly afraid of seeing Victor's face at the mention of Chicago. It had become this pink elephant in the room around us. He never mentioned it. I never mentioned it. But it kept inching closer.

When the boys left for Spring Break, I let out a sigh of relief. I had two books to read while they were gone, and I had to start my application for the Chicago dorms. Plus, the paperwork for all the scholarship and student loans I would be paying until I was 50.

When Spring Break was over the Arts in the Park event was two weeks away and I had little time to listen to their exploits. I was, however, surprised when Clem approached me while I plastered flyers on all the school's bulletin boards. My chair wobbled and he held it still, aiding me down.

"Thank you," I said neutrally. He hadn't really spoken to me since the party.

"Becka, I wanted to say I was sorry for the party," he said, shoving his hands into his pockets. "I was a bit drunk."

I nodded. "It's fine. You didn't do anything I didn't want at the time."

"OK," he said.

I sighed, he seemed completely unsure of what to do of how to behave. "Listen, we should just bury the hatchet. We liked each other in High School, it didn't pan out, it's OK. In ten years' time we should be able to say hello to one another without any awkwardness if we run into each other at Walgreens or something."

He laughed a little and nodded. "Yeah. That would be nice."

I smiled and turned to leave.

"Are you doing this whole Arts in the Park thing?"

I looked at him, he was reading the flyer. "Not all of it. You should come. We're having henna and the drama club is bringing all sorts of fun props."

He nodded, still looking at the flyer. "Alright. I'll see you then."

I walked away from him in a strange mood. As if that tension was truly done. I had never been meant to be with Clem nor he with me and I found myself truly wishing him happiness. He had fucked up his future and it was no laughing matter. Plus, I didn't really know him. I had no idea who he was but whoever he became I wished him happiness.

Victor was not able to arrive at the Arts in the Park event on time because he had a midterm to complete. I had worn a lovely Spring dress which I thought was appropriate for a morning under the large oak trees where we had set up. The band set to play from early in the morning and they did a rendition of modern songs with a vintage feel. My work was done when all the tables were labeled, and each group knew where they were sitting. I had added my name to the list for henna on my hands, I was on the second page and would not be able to get the henna until well into the afternoon.

I spotted the boys including by the drama table, Clem was with them, but Victor was not. Keith, the drama club president, was sitting watching them with a distasteful look on his pale face. Jon and Steven were laughing up a storm at the different props, placing them on their body in the most childish of manners. I rolled my eyes as I walked to them, shaking my head when Steven placed a wooden sword on his crotch area. I looked over the props and saw a set of medieval-looking handcuffs.

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