Chapter 33

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The trip had been covert-ops level madness because of my mother. I had to plot this well and that meant I needed to pull in special forces; cousins. Any Puerto Rican will tell you they have at least 15 first cousins. At least. I had twenty-four. Eleven that still lived on the island so I had plenty of people I could pretend to see who would totally lie before the family court for me. A call to Claudia and Anita had begun the plot for me to spend the two weeks in Puerto Rico out of the family's prying.

"This has become extremely convoluted," Yara was listening when I hung up on Claudia, my oldest cousin. She was twenty-nine, had her own place, pierced nipples, and smoked weed morning to night. "Are you going to tell him?"

"Maybe," I chewed compulsively on my nails.

Yara let out a long-suffering sigh. "Use a condom."

Mom was suspicious of the whole trip. She didn't understand why I would want to go to Puerto Rico by myself with that boy whom she suddenly disliked.

"I haven't been back to the island in like five years!"

"Three," she stared me down. "Before you graduated."

"I want to see Abuela."

"Then why are you staying with Claudia? Do you know what my sister Olga said about her? Que esta echa una puta."

"She has a boyfriend! She's loyal to him, she's not "whoring' around."

"Ah, but she's living with him without being married," Mom said.

"Let God worry about her," I controlled a sigh.

"I will worry about my daughter, ojo!" She pointed to her twitching eye. "Because God knows!"

"Victor is my friend!"

"Amigos hacen niños."

Friends make children. Ugh!

I couldn't even tell Victor I loved him, exactly how she feared I'd get pregnant was beyond me. I was nervous, I wouldn't even pretend to anything else. Almost two weeks with Victor in Puerto Rico. Sharing a hotel room, spending most time together. Endless possibilities. Then again, being as we were only friends, this could also open the reality of him wanting to bring girls back to the room. And I'd have to lay in the bed next to them listening to them fuck. The mere thought of it made me sick. Utterly sick.

The worst moment was Mercy arriving back in town and Yara blurting 'Becka is madly in love with Victor Manning and they're leaving to Puerto Rico to fuck for two weeks, join us at Victoria's Secret!'

Mercy had an Exorcist-level of head turn, her eyes glued on me. "I KNEW IT!"

What? "What do you mean you knew?"

"When you said that he drove to Lakeland to get the both of you, I was like these two... that's what I thought." Mercy's hair was now shorter than ever, up to her ears and she had multiple piercings and a tattoo in her upper thigh. She was also smoking, bringing the cigarette with a smirk to her red lips.

I looked at the two of them incredulously.

"You need black underwear, lace and maybe some leather," Mercy looked me over.

I gasped. "I won't –"

"You never know," Yara said, inspecting my breasts. "You have a great rack, you have to show them off!"

"I have to do no such thing!" I crossed my arms over my breasts.

Mercy stubbed out her cigarette and pulled Yara back with a shake of her head. "A woman should be the one to determine what she feels comfortable in."

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