08 Another Run Another Problem*

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Friday morning Alpha training/ paperwork went more like paperwork/ paperwork. It may suck but I'm learning a lot about my pack. Father has shown me the territory borders. I've gotten to know the wolves in charge of the different sectors. I've read personal files on everyone.

Today most of the papers father gave me have to do with the various North American Alphas; Our diplomatic relation to them, Locations of the packs, previous correspondence, and info on the next in line to be Alpha.

"How are you doing Lilly?" father asks.

"Fine." I say as I continue dating and sorting the files.

"Did you give me these because of tomorrow?" I ask.

Father nods. "It's better to be prepared walking into this. Everyone will be curious about you. So, the more you know the better you will be able to deal with the big headed Alphas you'll meet."
Finally father gives me something about this banquet. I push for more.

"So what exactly happens at these things?"

"That's enough for today." Father says "You can go get ready for training."

"Denied!!" My wolf yells.

"Oh, shut up you!" I respond as I walk out the door.

I make my way to the game room to kill time when I'm stopped by Dalton.

"Hey Lil!" He says stopping me in the hall. "We haven't hung out in a while... let's go for a run."

"Can't." I respond. "Training with Beta, Delta, and the warriors."

"I thought Alpha lifted your restrictions." Dalton says.

"He did!" I say defensively.

"Doesn't look like it to me." He says. "More like he just swapped your chains out for different ones."

"No, I have freedom now!" I say. I know he's just trying to get me wound up so I'll agree to go but you know what?

It's working.

"Prove it... come with me." Dalton pushes.


I link Beta Carson and Delta David that I won't be at training and link father to tell him where I'm going. He didn't sound happy but didn't forbid it either.

"Let's go!"

We race outside like too kids playing hooky (which we kinda are). I shift as quickly as I can and wait for Alt.

"Took ya long enough. maybe you need to be in training right now!" I link jokingly when his blonde wolf finally appears. He is that nearly silver blond so it catches the sun. It kinda hurts my eyes to look too long.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" He links back. "Come on!"

We run deep into the woods until we hit the border then follow it south a few miles. We reach a clearing and lay in the grass soaking up the sun. It was cold last week but today spring is here and it is beautiful.

"So I've been learning about the surrounding packs." I tell Dalton.

"Really?... cool mostly I just patrol close to home... this is the furthest out I've been in awhile." He responds.

"And you talk about me being stuck at home." Alt rolls his eyes at me "You know what pack starts on the other side of the clearing?" I ask him eager to show my knowledge. He looks at the far tree line.

"Nope!... and don't care." He says and begins rolling around in the grass.

"Well it is the Midnight Moon Pack. Largest in North America. Alpha.... Aaron I think. About 600 wolves to our 574." I say.

 Alpha LillyWhere stories live. Discover now