14 Alpha Aaron*

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"What time is he coming?" It's all I can think about as I wake up.

"If your so concerned ask father... I'm just glad he is coming... I wanna smell him." My wolf says. I roll my eyes.

I head downstairs to meet father in his office.

"Morning Father!" I greet him as I enter.

"Morning." He says "let's get started."

We start in on the paperwork. It's like it never ends. The territory is split up into 4 sectors each has a wolf in charge that reports to us with daily reports plus the scouts around the world and correspondents with other packs. It has built up the past few days.

"Carson and David tell me your training is going well and they are confident in your ability." Father says as we sift through reports. Adam from the southern sector is very long winded. "David even said he'd accept you as a pack warrior. High praise from him. Since it's going so well I want you to shadow me the next couple weeks."

"What exactly will we be doing?" I ask.

"I want you to see what the day to day of an Alpha is like. You'll go to meetings, read reports, visit each sector to check up on things. Whatever I need to do you will be with me." Father explains.

"Cool...so what's on the agenda for today?" I ask.

"Not much other than Alpha Aaron's visit this afternoon. You've already pretty well knocked out the paperwork... your really good at organizing and sifting through this mess... take a few hours off. I guess that's the lesson for today. Take free time when you can get it." He says with a smile and he doesn't have to tell me twice. I'm up and heading to the door. "Be here at 1:00 Alpha Aaron should be here around then."

"Ok will do!" I call to him as I close the door.

"What to do now?" I think

"RUN!" Echoes through my mind.

"Is that all you think about." I ask my wolf.

"Well... I also think about Mate. What's his wolf look like? I bet he's massive.... hmmmm... Run WITH Mate!" She says purring with delight at the thought.

"Well I think I'm just gonna hang out in the game room today." I tell her.

"Party pooper! Why even ask me if you're going to be boring anyway?" She tunes me out.

I go straight to the rec room. Usually this place is littered with teens but it's still morning and they are at school. I grab some snacks ready to just relax for a bit.

I look at the old boom box hidden away in the corner. No one uses it anymore with the sound system we have in place. I pull it out and set it on the coffee table. I run my hands across it and push the eject button. A small tape becomes visible and I remove it. Looking it over I sigh,  replace the tape, and hit play curling up on the couch with my snacks.

The sound of swing washes over me.

Flashback (Lilly age 5)

The sound of music rings through the house and I run into the kitchen. The sound gets louder as the smell of muffins invades my nose. I see Momma moving her hips to the beat singing into a batter covered spoon.

"It don't mean a thing," she sing as she sees me she sweeps me up into her arms. "If it ain't got that swing!" She finishes the line dipping me down and spinning around not making a move off  beat.

 Alpha LillyWhere stories live. Discover now