12 Out*

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Father's POV


My little girl screams as Aaron lays her on a bed in his pack house.

"Get the doctor!" I call to Aaron as I run to my daughter's side and grab her hand. She howls in pain at my touch.

"Don't touch her." Aaron says as he pulls me away. This pup! I growl at him locking eyes.

"Right now every touch feels like hot coals raked across her skin. You're hurting her." Aaron says.

"How would you know?!" I snap.

The boy just looks at me. "Sorry." I say softly. I know the answer. His father put him through it as a small child. Poor boy.

"Call the doctor." I say again.

"No." He responds. I growl at him.

"Do you want to undo the respect she just earned? Portray her as weak?" Aaron asks.

"No." I growl.

"She will be fine." Aaron says. "She'll be out for a few days."

"How long were you..." I start.

"2 weeks." he says. Aaron turns away from me. "You trained her for this." He said not a question a statement.

"Yes." I respond.

"You may have done more harm than good."

Alpha Aaron's POV

I was mad. I can't show Mason that. He is upset enough about his daughter's condition.

"You may have done more harm than good." I tell him.

"How so?" Mason asks putting his head in his hands.

"She made it through... that was your plan right?" He nods at my statement.

"It's mental torture, Mason. You know that!" Mason buries his head in his hands. I run my hand through my hair. "Every command builds... it chips away at you and when the dam breaks...Ahhh!... when it breaks everything comes crashing in... the longer you last the harder it hits."

"Are you blaming me boy?" Mason asks all energy out of him.

"No Mason... No." I say. "but she is in more pain than you know right now. It would have been better if she had broken sooner."

We sit in silence for a while.

"Thank you Mason." I say he seems surprised.

"Why?" He asks.

"You saved me."

Flash Back Aaron Age 11

"You know their's a party tonight?" Johnny asks me.

"Yeah, so what?" I respond.

"You don't know who it's for do you?" He asks. Johnny is always picking on me. wants to prove he's better. Gets me in trouble. No avoiding him.

"A bunch of Alphas." I say. "Boring."

"You know," Johnny says, "other Alphas bring their sons... guess your dad doesn't think you're good enough."

"Shut up!" I say.

"Another failure... man he must be so disappointed."

"Leave me alone Johnny!" I run back to my room. Stupid Johnny doesn't know what he's talking about. I go to fathers office.

"Enter!" He says when I knock. "What do you want, boy?!"

"Ummm the party tonight." I say.

"What about it?" He responds.

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