26 Rescued*

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"Why did you stop me, Mason!?" I yell at him as I reenter wearing a set of extra clothes from the car. "Why wouldn't you let me kill him!?"

"Look at her, Aaron!" He responds. I look down at Lilly. She is still shaking. Unresponsive. My eyes fall to the mark on her shoulder, and I look away. "She is connected to him! You were hurting her!" I huff and turn my back to them. "What is wrong with you?!"

"She was going to mark him, Mason! My mate was going to mark another man!" I turn back to him screaming.

"You're an idiot!" He yells.

"You didn't see her! Teeth an inch from his skin! If I hadn't shown up!..." I am panting from the effort not to shift. How could she?!

"I stand by my statement... idiot... you realize that in the 8 days she has been here, he has probably marked her 3... 4... 5... 6... God knows how many times! The fact that he doesn't bear her mark is a testament to how much she cares for you! Stop playing the victim, Aaron!" Mason screams and returns his attention to his daughter. He picks her up and begins to carry her out. "Bring him... We'll take care of him as soon as his mark fades."

I pick up the unconscious rogue. Outside, our warriors are dressing wounds and searching for survivors. It seems as tho most of the casualties were suffered by the rogues. I throw the man in a cage in the back of one of our trucks and lock him in.

"How is she?" I ask, approaching Mason.

"Not good." He says, placing her onto the back seat. "You still being a punk?" He asks, turning to me.

"No... I... I just don't know how to handle this... she... she is marked... she was going to..."

"Her body was responding to his mark." He cuts me off. "You don't know what it's like... you can't possibly understand the feeling of being marked. Emotions spike... the desire to return it when someone's teeth dig in... it is overwhelming... she is incredibly strong to not give in."

"Thanks, Mason... it hurts... seeing her like this. Knowing his mark..." I say knowing how hard she had to have fought him makes me feel better. She is strong. But she's marked!

"Suck it up, boy! You aren't the one we need to be focused on right now! She may die, so decide! Get in the car and hold your mate or walk away! I won't let you hurt her more than he already has!" I look at Mason and nod. Climbing into the car, I pull my mate into my lap, holding her tight.

"I love you, Lilly." I whisper, kissing her head.

Lilly's POV

"No!... No!...Let Go Of Me!" I wake up screaming. Someone is holding me to a bed. "Get OFF!" I throw a punch at my captor.

"Dang it, Lilly!" I open my eyes to see Dalton holding his now bloodied nose.

"Alt?" I ask. "How did I?... where am I?..." I start to remember what happened. "Where's Aaron."

"He's talking to the mutt that gave you that!" He says, pointing at my shoulder. "Dog won't talk, though... we don't even know his real name. Can't torture him with you being connected, so it's been slow going the past few hours."

"Damon... that's his name." I tell him. "I need to talk to him and my father." I try to get up. My dizziness makes me fall forward.

"Take it easy, Lil!" Dalton says, catching me.

"I'm fine, take me to them!" I yell.

"Not so fast, pup. You are in no condition..." the doctor says, walking in.

"Shut it, Doc!" I cut him off.

"Lilly, you shouldn't!" Alt tries to stop me. I push him away.

"Sorry, pup." Doc says, grabbing my shoulder. I yelp as pain courses through my body and nearly collapse. He makes me lay back down on the bed. I whimper in pain. "You need to stay here, Lilly... I need to know what happened." I stay silent and turn away from him. "How many times?" He asks.

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