25 Captivity*

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I wake up to an awful smell and swat it away from my nose.

"What the?!" I sit up in the bed.

"Smelling salts... useful little things." He says, standing up.

I am in a cell. A well furnished cell but a cell none the less. A bed and dresser. A small bathroom but bars along one side. I once considered my life a gilded cage... well, that has a whole new meaning.

"Don't bother trying to link anyone.. it won't work here... walks are too thick. It's kinda like using a call phone in a cave. The rocks stop the connection." The man tells me.

"I thought I should introduce myself. I am Alpha Damon, and I will be becoming your mate." He grins as he tells me this.

"No." I say to him.

"But I will." He counters.

"Why?" I ask.

"Power, of course! Mate you, kill your father, all of his power reverts to me. My pack here becomes legitimate, adding a couple hundred wolves and boom! I am the most powerful Alpha in the world!" His smile is sickening.

"I won't do it!" I yell.

"You will." He says, pinning me against the wall. "We will be marked and mated Lilly... accept that."

"Get off me." I say wiggling under his grip. He is strong. I can't move. He smiles at me as I stop my fruitless squirming.

"Ask nicely." He says.

"Please." I hiss with a clenched jaw.

"Use my name."

"Please, Damon."

"And what is it you want?"

"Please let go of me, Damon."

"I love it when you say my name." He moves his head to my neck and breathes deeply. "Yes, I think this could work well long term... one more thing before I let you go." I feel his teeth sink into my shoulder by my collar bone. I feel pain and pleasure at the same time.

"NO!" I yell, and he let's me go.

"One day, little mate. You will mark me. Oh, and change out of that... you smell of a certain Alpha I'm not too fond of." I glare at him definitely. "Do it, or I'll come back in there... I could have some fun without your mark." My jaw drops, and I walk to the dresser. The only options are summer dresses. I pull one out and head to the bathroom. "Good. I like an obedient mate." I growl at him and change.

My new attire makes the mark plainly visible. I leave the small bathroom, and Damon is gone.

"This is not right! He is not my mate!" I feel my wolf squirm. "What, no quick wit?"

"That mark... it makes me drawn to him... I want mate, but I can't help but want to finish the process... the marking feels sooo good!"

So she felt it too... "Why would his mark give us pleasure? He is repulsive!"

"It is what makes you give in and complete the process... it brings joy but only for a moment... it will fade so long as we don't mark him."

"Well, that should be easy! I hate him!" I feel my wolf whine, then a scent hits me, and it smells good. I go to the bars and look out. Damon walks back into view. My jaw drops... the scent! It's him!

"Miss me already?" He laughs at me. I turn away from and hear him leave.

"Why does he smell so good all of a sudden?" I ask.

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