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^^ Minotaur Sentinel ^^

"So to be clear, you want to know if there's anyone who wants to raid a Level Ten Dragon Dungeon?" The receptionist asked slowly and clearly, causing many of the patrons to perk up and listen.

"Yes. I have a Luck of 30, by way of two +10 Items for my Luck Stat, so I was wondering if anyone wanted to join in, in exchange for a small share of the much-increased Loot. I have a group of five, with one Level 16 Paladin, one Level 16 Knight, one Level 16 Mage, one Level 16 Mage-Hunter, and myself, a Level 12 Artificer. There are some conditions with the Loot, but if anyone is Level 10 or more and wants in on the increased Loot, we'll talk; the Hunt is happening with or without you in about three hours." I addressed the room calmly. "I'll be submitting it as a Proper Quest, so there's no issue with the separation of Funds and Loot; this is purely an opportunity for you to receive a share of the Level Ten Gate XP and the Dragon's Hoard, which will be massively increased by Spawning from my Luck Stat. Come over to my table if you're interested, and if those terms aren't an issue for you."

The receptionist whistled softly, shaking his head. "Alright, then what should the Quest say?"

"Hunt a Level Ten Dragon Gate with my Party; we need at least one other Party of 5, all Level 15. The reward is a choice between either One Level 12 Enchanted Weapon and One Level 12 Enchanted Armor, or an equal share of the Dungeon Loot after its been properly Monetized, minus any Magic Items of Level 9 or Lower that we find, -which will go to my Party,- and 100% of the Boss-Specific Loot, which will also go to me. Any Loot from the Hoard that you cannot carry in your Inventory is free game for my Party. XP is shared equally between everyone, and the bodies of the monsters and any Herbs found will be bought by me for double-price, paid in Loot. The System will keep proper count for us." I wrote it out carefully, and slid the request form over to him.

He whistled softly again, and set the page next to him where an NPC instantly grabbed it and produced a golden card and handed it to the Employee, who then handed it to me. "There you go, Miss Sam; your very own Gold Quest! Have those Parties taking part added to the card, and then turn the card in to us along with the Loot-Bag of everything that's being monetized for the reward, and we'll make sure it gets spread out properly! Good Luck!" He giggled at his own joke, then cleared his throat and bowed his head politely, attempting to remain in immersion.

"Thank you as well, mr... Doe?" I finished dryly, raising an eyebrow.

"Unfortunately my real name, Timothy Doe." He shrugged defeatedly.

"Huh... cool. Bye, Tim, I'll be back with the Quest later!" I smiled and walked over to a table of Level 5 Warriors in the corner of the room, which quickly emptied as they saw us approaching. "I could get used to that... now, unleash the Hounds!!! Bring it on!!!" I waved at the people watching us sharply, and then immediately covered my ears at the explosion of voices.

In the end I selected 5 Level 15 players, first a Mage, and then 2 Warriors and 2 Clerics that needed to Rank Up; they weren't technically a Party, but they were all friendly with each other, and a few were apparently friends with Kenny and Uric; these were apparently the ones Kenny had been scouting to join our party as our new Tank, before Hellen took Paladin. His positive reviews and Uric's swearing to their (moral) Characters decided it, so I allowed them to temporarily Party with us. The other we decided on, -the Level 15 Mage,- Uric and I selected him to show Jack what mages of his general level would be doing with his new and unfamiliar skills; good examples were always appreciated, and their added DPS wasn't bad, either.

After Kenny and Hellen's 3 Hours were up, I sent a message in the Chat. 'Alright, LoverBoy, while I applaud your stamina, I gave you 3 Hours. Time is up, we've got a small Raid Party Gathered and waiting for our Seraphim Taxi.' -Samantha.

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