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^^ Lolth's Automoton ^^

First, figuring out how to replicate Lolth's Venom was of great importance; I wasted one by feeding it to a basic slime in an attempt to make a Venom Slime, but instead I just killed it, as the Venom melted through it and killed it instantly.

"Alright... well, components were needed to upgrade my Elder Acid and Elder Poison Slimes; with my Luck Stat, what's the odds that it would tell me that just before I got a Venom that has both Poisonous and Acidic traits, if they weren't related? Probably not very likely... sigh..." I gave a silent prayer, placing an Elder Poison Slime and Elder Acid Slime together, then placed the Vial of Venom between them, and selected 'Attempt Formula'.

The vial shattered, spilling the acid over both of the slimes and killing both, nearly breaking my heart; I leaned back slowly, and shook my head while the remains of the two slimes turned a deep, horribly sickly purple, and gathered together swiftly.

Creature Created: Grand Envenomed Slime; Abilities: Absorb, Feast, Perfect Immunity, Grand Envenoming, Grand Fabricate, Breeding, Elemental Breath, Shadow-Stride, Manipulate Fluid.

Grand Envenoming: The Spider Queen's Venom is special, in that it deals both Poison and Acid Damage, transcending the most terrifying of Both; Poison Damage + Acid Damage + (Lvl x 10). Once affected, there is a 50% chance of Paralysis, which lasts for 10/(Con) minutes. (Replicates effects of Elder Dissolve and Poison)
Grand Fabricate: Slime can reproduce any item it has Dissolved, losing Mass equal to 1/8th the amount of Material Required. The level of Complexity it is capable of is decided by its Intelligence. (Minimum 40+Int)

"Mm... alright, now for the other two..." I nodded and made another with my remaining Elder Poison and Elder Acid Slimes, then collected some of their secreted Venom in a vial. "You seem useful... how about this?" I set the vial next to a chuck of Treated Steel, attempting a Reaction. The metal melted instantly, mixing with the acid, and turned a black-purple just like the slime.

Blueprint Created: Envenomed Steel; Spider-Queen's Venom, Treated Steel.
Envenomed Steel: This Metal is infused with a highly caustic, corrosive, poisonous Venom, which causes any attacks using this metal to do both Acid and Poison Damage.
[Poison Dmg (Con x 10) + Acid Dmg (Con x 10)]

"And now for Lolth's Body..." I nodded, turning to my Blueprints; I couldn't recreate Fur with metal without looking like a porcupine, so her thorax and legs would be thickly armored with the Envenomed Steel, giving her less mobility, but far more Armor. The inside of the Thorax held quite a few things; firstly, the Large Arcane Generator that would power everything about her, then the 'reproductive system', (a large amniotic jar which would continuously grow Eggs for her to lay, and another full of eggs ready to hatch when she died,) then a small system to create the Silk I'd reverse-engineered from her own Silk, ending in a bladed Spinnerette that would also be made of Envenomed Steel, and constantly enchant a caustic, poisonous effect onto the Silk she decorated her Lair in. Lastly, the Muisak I made from her Head, which would sit inside the Thorax and direct the actions of the Automaton that was modeled after her first Form; I molded it from clay with an Envenomed Steel frame, and the result was rather Splendid, even if I did say so myself. Perfectly lifelike, but lacking... Splendor.

"What to do... she's a Spider Queen named for a Goddess, not some Basic B!tch... gold? That would be a good Drop; the adventurers aren't going to tear the whole carapace apart, but they'll pull some gold off her Claws." I grinned and set about molding and enchanting a set of Jewelry for each of her eight Legs, as well as a diamond-encrusted platinum choker; the gold Claw-tips and rings cost 50 gold a piece to make, but once removed they were a Magic Item which took the shape of a pair of white silk gloves with golden claws and rings, which would have a 90% Chance of paralyzing anything they scratched for 20min/Con. It wouldn't deal damage, but it was a good advantage.

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