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^^ Mantle of the Spider Queen ^^

There were 16 Fey/Grey Dungeons total, in the Level 25-50 range, but none of them were Dragon Hoards, to my irritation; thus, I was being carried, yet again, through a Dungeon by a group of higher-powered Adventurers. At least this time my party was being carried with me, I guess.

80K XP Gained by Party: 2K XP Gained!
2K XP Gained from Elder DragonBorn Lvl 40 (x40)
(Progress Lvl 25: 88,660/90K-> Lvl 26)

"Alright, that's the last of them; now for the Boss Room; Captain Bordeaux, you're up! Try not to get Fried, yeah?" Derrick the Lvl 45 Archer/Shadow-Mage grinned at me and bowed sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah, take your sarcasm and shove it up your bum, before I do it for ya..." I grumbled at him, raising the Hood of my Mantle of the Spider-Queen, (which my entire party was wearing a Copy of in the form of a Cloak of Shadows, apparently because I'd named us 'Silver Web' in the spur of the moment,) and then began sneaking forward into the tunnel ahead of us. There hadn't been a Mini-Boss yet, which meant this was a Phase-Type boss, and with my Luck of 40, I was betting on a Matriarch or a Dragon Lord, which was a new type of Dragon Boss (to me, at least,) which could summon several dozen smaller dragons of half its level to serve it during the Fight.

To prepare for such a situation, I let my Smoking Slime (or, Elemental Fire Slime, now,) begin to fill the room with Paralysis Miasma; if I could control the Lvl 20 Dragon Soldiers that it summoned, I could add them to my Dungeon and place them in with my Matriarch, or even just in different caves around my Labyrinth, so I had more Traps that led to little Dragon Hoards. Placing a few nice magic items and a pile of gold or gems in there with a Level 20 Dragon was a decent challenge for a single adventurer dropped into a room alone, followed by a decent reward. I felt that was fair and balanced, and the GM hadn't said otherwise yet, so we would see.

'You in yet?' -Joe-DiMaggio.

'Derrick, interrupting my concentration in a room with a sleeping dragon? Probably not conducive to my success or survival.' -Captain-Bordeaux.

'Nah, you'll be fine.' -Joe-DiMaggio.

I refused to respond to the infuriating man, and instead walked towards the mountainous pile of platinum and Mithril in the center, where a blurred creature rested. While the Fire Slime spread the Miasma's, I sent the Earth/Acid Slime to begin carefully carving grooves in the ground and filling them with Sleeping Potion, while I observed the creature for movement. Seeing none, I nodded and began to enchant Fire Traps into Vials of Poison I pulled out of my Inventory, setting them around the dragon and connecting them with copper wire like a line of controlled explosives, which I suppose they were, in a sense.

'Aaaaany time now, Squirt...' -Joe-DiMaggio.

'... I will Murder you, Derrick, if you make one more comment. About anything. Short Joke? Dead. 'Tick-Tock Ha-Ha I'm funny and original'? Dead. Hurry Up? Dead. 'I'm growing grey hairs'? Dead. Shut. The. Hell. Up.' -Captain-Bordeaux.

'... but will you, though?' -Joe-DiMaggio.

'Watch your back, Derrick; someone might Shank it.' -Captain-Bordeaux. I frowned and finished my enchantments, pulling a long cord of copper back towards the entrance and UnStealthing while standing directly behind Derrick. "Its a Dragon Lord, not a Matriarch."

"JESUS!!!" Derrick leapt way from me, hissing in surprise, but I ignored him and handed the cord to one of the Mages in the group.

"Electrocute this Cord as soon as you get the Spawn Message, then put your masks on and charge in. I'll make him waste his first Fire Breath, considering I'm resistant to Fire and also Magic." I nodded as they agreed to the plan, then walked past Derrick and disappeared again, making him flinch. 'I told you to watch your Back, Derrick... what's the matter, you can't keep up with me?' -Captain-Bordeaux.

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