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^^ Blast Potion ^^

"I refuse to join a Guild called 'P00n-T@ng', I don't care if they're #4 in the rankings of this city!" Hellen crossed her arms sternly, frowning at Uric for suggesting the offensive guild.

"Agreed." I raised a hand, burning the scrap of paper with their name on it in my hand. "Next is 'Superbia', a Grey Guild of Merchants that has at least two members that are Level 60, the #1 Guild in the City: I like the name, they're Strong, Rich, and they have a good reputation for sharing Loot fairly and Policing the Conduct of their Players so no one screws anyone over!"

"-And they only accept players who are Business Owners." Kenny sighed, setting that page aside.

"That leaves only four semi-respectable Grey Guilds, then..." I sighed, leaning back in my chair and rubbing my eyes tiredly. We'd been working all day, doing research on all the Grey Guilds in the city, trying to find one to join, so we could go on our next Dungeon Dive.

"We had planned to join a guild at a lower Level, but given our Levels doubling in the last month, that would've been its own host of issues..." Jack sighed, and picked up another page. "What about 'Plague of the Sword Coast'? They're DND Nerds, they're a Grey Guild, and they have Level 45 Players who need to get up to Level 50 before the Event; they'd jump at a few Charisma Clears, I bet?"

"You're forgetting that we can't do a Charisma Clear if anyone else comes with us; we're the only ones with that Skin. Still, Plague is a strong Guild, but it says on the pages that they take a 10% Tax from any Loot we take, even if we're not on Guild Business... Highway Robbery." Uric shook his head, firmly refusing that Guild.

"True... so there's 3 left... 'Coyote Bus', a Guild that has several dozen Seraphim whom they rent out as Taxis, 'Falcon Driver', a Guild that is mostly Archers, and 'Port Authority', a Sea-Faring Guild... sea-farers? You mean people sail on the Ocean here?!? Are there Pirates?!?" I slapped the paper down onto the desk, grinning happily.

"You seem oddly excited about that prospect? But there are Pirates and Sea-Monsters in the ocean around the city, yes, with varying degrees of difficulty as you go to different locations... but for that, you need a Ship, and those are expensive, even for higher-leveled players. The Port Authority is the #2 Guild in this city for a reason, Sam." Uric sighed, predicting where we were going with this.

"So if we get a Ship, people will allow us into their Guild? Even, Say, Superbia?" I grinned slowly, a genius train of thought building steam.

Hellen laughed suddenly, surprising Jack and Uric both, though Kenny just facepalmed at whatever she was on about. "I like the way you think, Sam... and besides, you own a Business, don't you, Sam? I don't see a reason they wouldn't let us in! Also, Potions are a great Market for Profit, aren't they? That's their whole goal!" She squealed excitedly, and pushed aside the other Guilds, grabbing the Request Form for the 'Superbia' Guild.

"And if that doesn't work?" Kenny sighed deeply.

"Then the Port Authority, I guess? It's not like we have many choices, here, and there's no consequences of us just Asking, is there?" She shrugged carelessly.

He sighed again, rubbing his face slowly. "Alright... you're right... let's try; worst case scenario we all fail and get PK'ed down to Level 1 and screwed royally out of all our hard work." He muttered darkly, grumbling as she grinned happily, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing him tight.

"Yay!!! Let's go buy a Ship!!!" She laughed, dragging him up out of his seat swiftly.

"... 1.5 Million Gold Pieces? For a Boat?!?" Hellen scoffer; glaring down at the NPC in front of us at the Docks beneath the City.

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