1.6K 90 13

^^ Dracolich ^^

I laid at the bottom of the little Hole I'd dived into, cussing at myself for forgetting the most important factor that would have prevented me from losing another 100 HP.


After a moment more of being pissy at myself, I stood and cracked my back, opening my stupid wings and flapping a few times to raise myself back up to the top of the pit and look at the new battlefield that had become of the Boss Room, after the dragon had awoken; I expected the obsidian to be gone, but instead the dragon was still in the roof, unable to move other than to point its claws and cast spells and open its mouth and breath Fire; the reason such a high-level enemy was in a Level 20 Dungeon was likely these limitations.

'Almost there, Sam, hold out for a bit longer, we're trying to find the source of the Smoke!' -Jack-Skellington.

'I'm fine, he's stuck in a wall and I have Curse Immunity from my Necrotic Slime; the only problem is his Fire Breath; it's purple, and I don't know what it does.' -Samantha.

And it was true; with Pack Tactics, everyone here was immune to the Curses he was throwing down, and the Sentinels were whittling away at his health with their Spears, throwing them in volleys at his head between dodging the small balls a Fire he was spitting regularly. I had a thought, as I observed from the back of the Dias, and shot one of his eyes with a Catalyst Dart, using Ice to see what it did to his Fire, but it didn't even interact. The fire moved through the ice without melting it at all, like it was intangible. "Weird..." I frowned thoughtfully, watching as one of the balls of Fire tore through a shield, doing no physical damage even when it hit the Sentinel, but while the monster's HP went down, the HP of the Dragon went Up in ratio."Ooooh, it's Vampiric!!! That makes sense."

'We found your Smoking Bottle, but there's no hole? Sam? Did you die and the Boss Room Reset?' -YouKilledKenny!!!.

'Cute. I suppose the Glass must've reformed; I'll send a slime to guide you in.' -Samantha. I glanced up and saw my entry point gone entirely, then tossed a Basic Slime into the shaft to trace a way out while my other slimes converged on the head of the Dragon, eating through the bones of its neck to disconnect its head.

When the Dragon's HP dropped below 50%, there was a shift, and it's tail broke out of the Volcanic Glass, shipping one of the Sentinels in the chest and instantly driving his HP down to 5% in a brutal display of its raw power and Dmg; unfortunately for the Dragon, the Grand Envenomed Slimes had now eaten through his spine, and his head fell down into the waiting arms of one of the Sentinels. His HP Bar was still there, so I figured the Phylactery was somewhere in his chest, and it wasn't quite dead, but with the Slimes eating through his neck and into his chest cavity, it wasn't much longer, now.

The head was still snapping at the Sentinel when I placed a hand on it and sent it into my Inventory, but I was surprised when it alone took up nine squares in my inventory, (displacing a few potions which I scrambled to catch before they shattered,) and then the Phylactery showed up as well, taking up another nine squares.

80K XP Gained by Party: 2K XP Gained!
Level 20 Boss, Lesser Dracolich Defeated!
2K XP Gained from Lesser Dracolich!
(Progress Lvl 16: 25,660/35K-> Lvl 17)

"Well that's disappointing." I sighed, sending the slimes to eat the rest of the skeleton before it dissolved.

'Did you just Solo a Level 20 Boss, Sam?' -Ureka!.

'I did, yes. It was disappointing. Let's get out to the Event, please?' -Samantha. I sighed and sent a few of the Acid Slimes looking for loot in the tunnels while I looted the Sarcophagus.

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