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Hi, I'm Kim Y/n. I'm 25 years old. I have been best friends with Min Yoongi for 16 years now, but we have slowly drifted...
I feel like he doesn't like me anymore... he has gotten closer with his members since their debut, and we haven't gotten chances to hang out as often. And Yoongi- Oh, yeah, if you are wondering, it's THE Min Yoongi from BTS. I have known him since we were really little. Anyways, back to what I was saying. I have sort of developed a crush, you can say, over the years. I mean, he's Yoongi! He has such an amazing personality, and he's always there for me, and gosh... those eyes. Everytime I look into them, I get butterflies in my tummy. I wouldn't call it love though, right? It's not like he loves me back, anyways. Clearly, he would rather use all of his time with other people, and never make time for me. It's always "busy" this, or "busy" that. It's not like I ACTUALLY like him that much, right? We are just friends...


Hello, as you may know, i'm Min Yoongi. I'm 25 years old. Kim Y/n is my best friend, and has been for 16 years. And it won't change. Well maybe I do want it to change... turn our friendship into something else. After 2 years of knowing Y/n, I formed a crush. I knew it was wrong, and I knew we would never be together, but it only grew over the years... I don't just like her. I love her. She means so much to me, but for the past couple months we have been drifting. I feel so bad that we never get to hang out, but it is only because ever since BTS took a (good) turning point, we got REALLY bigger especially in America. This caused me to have less time. I'm always in the studio with Namjoon and Hoseok every night working on new songs for ARMYs most nights, so we can never really have dinner together. And at daytime, that's another story. To put it short, I don't have time to hang out with the person I love most, and I feel terrible about it.

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