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Yoongi P.O.V

"I don't want to be best friends..."

I can't take it anymore. It's eating me away. I stand up and grab her right hand, leading her with enough force so that she would get pulled to follow me, but still not hurt her. I bring her to my living room and we sit on the couch, which is a better setting to say this.

She looks heartbroken.

"I knew it... I shouldn't have trusted you..."

She tries to stand up and walk away, but my hard grip came in handy. She automatically got pulled back down.

"No, Y/n. It's actually the opposite. I love you of course... but that's the thing."


"I'm in love with you, Kim Y/n."

She sat there shocked, not responding to me. And this scared me, you know? What if she rejected me?


"I love you too, Min Yoongi."

I couldn't move. I was shocked from her response.

"You love me back...?"

"I have. For a couple years now. Everytime I saw you, I got butterflies in my stomach and I just missed how we used to be. I'm sorry for everything that happened."

She looks up at me with teary eyes.

"I thought I would loose you, Yoongi."

"I love you. And I have for as long as we met. You mean so much to me..."

"Oh my gosh..."

I grab her hand and look into her eyes, which were still dropping tears. I wiped away a droplet slowly making it's way down her cheek. I hold her chin and she looks at me.

"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"

She starts to blush.



"Yoongi, I don't kn-"

I kiss her.

I pull out and her face is frozen. She doesn't move.


"Yes. I do."

She goes closer to me, and the next thing I know, she is kissing ME.

Y/n P.O.V

Yoongi looks at me with his mouth open.

"Y/n, you just did that?"

"I did..."

"And I love you, Min Yoongi."

"I love you too, Kim Y/n."

"So, you're my boyfriend now..?"

We both smile at each other .

"Yeah, I guess so..."

He slowly scoots closer to me, thinking I won't notice. I turn my head to tell him to stop, but he is right in my face. He looks down at my hands, which are interlocked in my lap, and pulls one into his hand, wrapping our fingers together.

I mumble. "Wow... my boyfriend, Min Yoongi, is holding my hand."

"What was that?"

I look at him and smile, and he does his cute gummy smile back.

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