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Our food has arrived and we start our meal.

I take a bite and my face lights up at the taste of the spaghetti.

"Wow, this is so good!"

Y/n nods.

"I know, right!? And who knew Korea had such a good italian restaurant?"

"Me, clearly." I playfully scoff, and I hear Y/n giggle.

"Yeah, duh..."

We both laugh at our small joke, but Y/n suddeny stops. I get confused and look up at her.

"Yoongi, I miss the old times like this. Let's not waste any time and stop joking around. You invited me here because..."

I sigh because of the ruined moment.

"You're right. We need to do some explaining. I invited you here because I wanted to talk about us."

Y/n stops playing with the pepperoni on her pizza. "What do you mean us...?"

"How we have drifted..."

"We have..."

"Yeah. I-" I stop, and my throat starts to get dry. I take a sip of my water and continue.

"Y/n, I miss you. I miss your love. I miss our times. I miss the things we did together before. We were best friends and were together 24/7, but now I don't know what happened."

Y/n looks at me with an "are you serious?" look.

"This is a joke, right? What do you mean you "don't know what happened"?"

"I mean that you just cut me off. It started by late replies to messages, not picking up my calls, you know. Then that lead to just unadding me on social medias. And then you just stopped texting me. I should have took the hint that something bad would happen from there. Why did you stop talking to me?"

Y/n softly punches the table with her fist and looks at me.

"Why did I stop talking to you...? Why did you stop talking to ME!?"

I look at Y/n and she looks REALLY angry. More angry than I have ever seen her before...

"Okay, i'm sorry. What? You literally ghosted me!"

"No! You never texted me! You never called me! You didn't even try to communiacte with me for over 3 months."

"I was just busy with work and stuff!"

Y/n squints her eyes and looks at me. "And "stuff"? What stuff?"

I raise my voice after getting more heated. "Music producing! Dancing! Recording!"

I look around at people looking at us from the next table over, and put my head down a bit. Whoops...

Y/n continues on.

"Yeah, but for 6 months straight, 24/7 you just produced music? You just danced? You just recorded songs? You didn't take a single break. Not even one."

"No, of course I took breaks! I had days off and everything!"

She keeps talking not taking any pauses. I can tell she's REALLY mad.

"Then why didn't you call me? I would try to call you, but you never picked up. You were always too busy. But i'm sure you saw my notifications when you got home, you just chose not to call me back or even just send one message."

She stops, sighs, and takes a long breath.

"One message, Yoongi. That's all I wanted to see. One message. But no. You left me waiting on you for 6 months."

She's right... maybe this wasn't my fault. Was I just scared to contact her? Was I the one who caused this...?

"Listen, I'm sorry! I get that I did some wrong things, and I didn't put you first at some times, but if you wanted me to talk to you so badly, why did you ghost me!?"

"Because I thought you hated me. I tried so hard but you just wouldn't respond to me. So I thought I did something wrong, and I thought that you hated me.."

No.... I don't hate you, Y/n.

"Yoongi, do you know how scared you got me?! I thought this time would never come! I thought I would never have a moment where we would be sitting at a table together again, alone. I thought you wanted me out of your life..."

Y/n quickly wipes her face, and I look up to her seeing her tear-filled eyes. I feel so guilty now. I realize that this is all my fault.

"Y/n... I am so sorry... I didn't know"

"You left me... I thought we were best friends!"

A couple more tears escape her eyes and she doesn't care to wipe them away this time.

"I remember in 3rd grade, when that girl Joohi would bully us, saying that girls and boys couldn't be friends. But no, we worked together and got back at her. I remember putting ants from the garden in her desk after school, and her reaction the next morning was priceless..."

Y/n smiles at the memory she shared, and I let out a really small laugh.

She continues.

"Yoongi, we were inseperable... what happened to us?"

"I'm sorry Y/n. I happened."

I look down, ashamed of what I started.

"Why didn't you call me then? You had so many days off, and so many breaks. Would sitting down for just 5 minutes to talk to your best friend hurt you?"

"No, it wouldn't... i'm sor-"

Y/n cuts me off with a raspy, pained voice.

"But you know who got hurt instead? Me."

She starts to cry as her eyes turn into flowing rivers. My heart broke. I hurt her... it's the opposite of what I wanted.

"Tell me! Why didn't you call me?!"

I ignore everyone else in the restaurant who starts to look over from the scene.



I snap from my emotions.


I realize how loud I just was and close my mouth. I look over to Y/n and see how shocked she is, since I never yelled at her like that before. I was just so stressed... so mad at myself.

"I'm sorry Y/n... I didn't mean to.."

I try and reach over to her to calm her down, but she slaps my hand away.

"I knew it. You hate me. You really hate me. I'm sorry Yoongi, but I don't think our friendship can go on."

I stop what I am doing and look over at her with furrowed eyebrows. She did not just say that...

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