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I dry my skin, and walk to the closet. I grab some lotions and deodorant and freshen up. I look at the folded clothes set on the counter, and walk up to them. I pick them up and but them on.

I put on it, and try tucking it in, keeping it out, and other things to try to look more presentable. I end up doing whatever looks good, and fix my hair to look good.

"Oooh, looking good Y/n."

I wink at myself in the mirror and giggle.

I open the door, looking down at the pretty floor tiles while I do it.

"Wahh.. so cute.."

"What's cute?"


I look up quickly, and sigh at the sight of Yoongi.

"Jeez! You scared me, stop doing that!"

"I'm sorry... I was just checking up on you."

I smile.

"Oh... it's okay."

"Wanna go downstairs? I prepared dinner!"

I smile at the thought of food. "Sure!"

I sprint down the stairs in front of Yoongi, excited for the meal. I turn into the kitchen, and see the table set up.

There was a delicious looking meal in front of me set on the table ALL made by Yoongi.

"You made this all?!"

"Yep! Seokjin taught me a little bit of cooking at the dorm. And I had to learn a bit myself, since it was just us 7 boys living alone."

My face glows up and I smile really big.

"Wow... i'm proud of you!"


He gives me his signature gummy smile. It always makes me smile back.

"Well, let's eat!"

We run over the the table that sits four people, and I sit on the opposite side of him so I can face him. I pass him a pair of chopsticks that were set in the middle of the table, and I take my own. I put the two wooden sticks between my two fingers, and dug into the kimchi first.

"Wow! This is so good!"

He laughs.

"Thank you, Y/n."

"No, thank you."

He looked up from his plate of meat with a straight face, swallowing his meat.

"For what..?"

"Helping me. After everything I have done."

"Oh.. Y/n."

"Now that I thought about it, I just realized that I couldn't accept the fact that you were just more succesful than me. And you were busy. And you didn't have time to hang out with me. I'm sorry for being so over dramatic."

Yoongi looked at me with a droopy face and put his chopsticks down on top of his bowl. He walked over to me and sat on the chair next to mine.

"That's not true. You weren't over dramatic. And I get it, I missed you too. Sometimes, I was jealous of YOU."

"Jealous? You have everything better than me!"

"Maybe it was just the fact that you had more friends. You were able to go hang out places you wanted, eat places you wanted, be in relationships you wanted. I can't even walk the streets without getting recognized by a saesang fan or some paparazzi. And well... you were able to move on without me."

"Oh..." I frown. I fiddle with my chopsticks while listening.

"Yeah. You would be out living your life when I was locked up in the dorm producing music, planning concerts for ARMY, and many other work related things. I just feel alone at times. And I missed hanging out with you."

"I did too, but you could have just called me over. You taught me how to edit music as good as you so I could've helped, or just even hung out. Why didn't you?"

"I just... I was terrifed to face you. because I was sure you didn't like me anymore. After how I acted, I thought you would hate me. I was scared to say this because I thought you would think of me as weak..."

"No, Yoongi. I don't think your weak. And I never will. I love you. Your my best friend.."

I smile at Yoongi to re-assure him.

"I missed you."

I pull him in for a hug and he hugged me back. I just didn't want to let go...

"Y/n... you can let go now..."

I frown playfully, and look up at him.


He laughs, and it gave me butterflies in my stomach. I bury my face in his chest to hide my red face.

"Hey, are you... blushing?"

I cover my face more and get embarrassed thinking he caught me.

"I blush randomly, sorry."

I pull out of the hug, and we lock eyes.

I can't do this anymore. I miss him so much. I need him back as my best friend.

"Yoongi, can we go back to how we were before?"

"I would like that."

My face slowly turns into a smile.

"Hey! Don't be so formal.."

I drape my hand around his shoulders, looking at him with a grin. I laugh.

"We are best friends, aren't we?"

Yoongi looks down like he just lost a family member. Me, being confused, I question him.

"I just..."

"You what?"

"I don't want to be best friends..."

He gets up and holds my hand, focing me to follow him to the living room. We sit on his grey couch, and I look at him.

"What are you doing...? What do you mean?"

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