Chapter 14 - Phoebe

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Cara was thrilled when I told her. "This calls for a shopping trip." She squealed so loud I had to pull the phone away from my ear briefly.

"What part of 'I quit my job' translates to shopping?"

She let out an exasperated huff, "Well obviously you are coming to work for me."

Was I? I snorted, "I didn't realise you were serious about that."

"Oh, I was deadly serious."

I bit my lip; it was an amazing opportunity. Cascade Events looked after press and marketing for newly published books. It meant she had managed to get me signed early releases for a number of my favourites and would give me exclusive level access to some of my dream authors.

I sighed, "I can't, my Nanna needs me. I couldn't be up in London every day."

"You can work from home two days a week. I'm flexible about which days you would need to come in but one of them needs to be Wednesday." She reeled the information off, and it became even clearer that she had put a lot of thought into this.

I sucked in a breath and I think she sensed my hesitation. "You don't need to decide now. Think on it and let me know Monday."

I twirled my hair around my finger weighing the options in my mind. Unemployment or working for someone I considered a friend who would let me work from home?

Tough choice.

"Can you email me a full offer with information on hours, pay and benefits?" I asked using my calmest, most professional voice.

She laughed, "See? This is why I want you. You're smart, a fast learner and you love the industry you massive nerd."

"That's not very professional." I tutted primly before dissolving into giggles.

"I'll get an email with the details over to you by the end of the day. Think on it Pheebs, I think you'd be a really good fit to be my assistant. You were wasted in the library. Richard would never have let you try out any of your ideas."

I nodded and then remembered we were on the phone. "I know. I'll get back to you as soon as I have a decision."

We ended the call and I sat, staring out of the window for a long time before unfolding my creaking limbs and heading downstairs. "What do you fancy for dinner?" I poked my head round the living room door.

"Some of that soup you made. Carrot and coriander." Nanna gave me a gummy smile.

I rolled up eyes "Coming right up. And put your teeth in you fruit loop."

She cackled with laughter. "Don't be stingy with the bread neither." She called after me.

I grabbed the saucepan and began heating the soup up, grabbing my phone to check if Cara's email had come through yet whilst it simmered.

It hadn't but an alert popped up from Twitter saying it had some posts I might be interested in.

'True Outlaws playing secret gig tonight' the top story declared.

Well it's not much of a secret if the whole of Twitter knows about it but ok. I dumped my phone on the side and poured two bowls of the soup and placed them on a tray. Grabbing the loaf of crusty bread, I tucked that under my arm and made my way through to the living room.

"Spoons?" Nanna asked, pulling the table that fitted neatly over her armchair as close as she could get it.

"I've only got two hands." I grumbled to disguise the fact I had forgotten them as I placed the tray and bread on the table in front of her.

Returning with the spoons I grabbed my bowl and curled in my armchair.

"So, what happened?" Nanna's shrewd gaze was on me, reminding me just how observant she was and the fact I couldn't hide what had happened from her any longer.

I took a deep breath, "I quit my job."

"Finally!" she rolled her eyes, "That place has been sucking the life out of you since you started. At your age I was travelling the world reviewing restaurants." Her eyes took on a dreamy quality as she remembered.

"But it was close to home. Close to you." I protested.

"You can't live your life around looking after me. I know living in this town is stealing your youth. You need to be young and free. Have a life." She waved an arm as she spoke, the hunk of bread between her fingers sending a spray of crumbs over the carpet.

"I like being here with you."

Her face softened, "I like having you here, but carers will help me during the day and getting out of this town means you'll meet so many new people."

"I suppose. Cara offered me a job. She said I could work from home two days a week."

"Perfect! I hope you accepted it?"

"I said I needed her to send me a formal offer first."

She laughed at that, "Smart girl. I know I don't say it enough, but I am proud of you darling."

"Thanks Nanna, I love you."

"Love you too sweetie."

We ate the rest of our meal in amiable silence, watching the rerun of some game show with a loud over excited host. It was much later when I had helped Nanna to bed, washed up and tidied the house that I remembered the notification. Curled up on the sofa, a glass of I-survived-another-week wine in my hands I scrolled twitter.

It seemed like everyone on social media had been on the event. Some even live tweeting it.

Surely that took away from the experience but who was I to judge as I sat at home drinking wine on my own.

A new one loaded and I scrolled up to read it. 'Hawk gets hands on with the birthday girl' it declared with a little emoji of some eyes. Three pictures followed, the first he was holding her hand to help her balance as she tottered up the stairs in ridiculously high heels. The second he was singing but staring at her hungrily. The third made my mouth go dry. Their lips locked in a passionate kiss; her arms wrapped around him.

I had no right to feel the anger that rose in my chest. I had said no to him and from the looks of this it was a good job I had. I closed twitter with an angry stab of my finger, downing the last of my wine and bringing up my emails.

Cara's sat unopened at the top of my list. My thumb hovered over it for a moment before I built the courage to open it.

Scanning the email quickly, my jaw dropped. The package was more than generous. More money, more flexibility and I would be working with my friend. It was a no brainer.

Before I could get too freaked out and over think it, I typed my response.

'I'm in.'

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