Chapter 26 - Phoebe

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I squirmed under his attention. His eyes boring into me as I handed my menu back. "Are you sure you don't want dessert?" Elliott asked with a frown.

I shook my head. I could only just afford my main, the wine and the tip I had decided to give. Elliott narrowed his eyes watching me for a moment longer before sighing and handing the menu back to Daniel reluctantly, "Just the bill then please?"

"Of course." Daniel hurried off.

Elliott was silent, still watching me. "Well this has been a lovely evening." I said with cheerfulness I didn't quite feel.

It was odd. As reluctant as I had been to go on this date, it had actually not been awful and a part of me was sad to see it end. Elliott chuckled, "It's not over yet."

I felt a flutter in my stomach, was that feelings or food? I wasn't willing to label it either way. "I know we have to pay first but it really has been good." I smiled.

"Just good?" he smiled lazily, "Then it's lucky I've got a lot more evening to improve my score then."

"I thought I would just head back to Cara's now." I said quietly.

"Is that really what you want?"

There were a lot of things I wanted when he looked at me like that but to leave wasn't one of them. I shook my head mutely.

"How about we go for a little walk along the South Bank?" he suggested.

A pang of nerves hit. There was a huge difference between having a private dinner in a restaurant and walking around in public together. "I don't...I mean that seems...very public." I stammered out.

He cocked his head, "Fair enough." He smiled again, "I would invite you back to mine but I don't think you're quite ready for that."

I shook my head again. Definitely not.

Before we could continue Daniel appeared with the bill, placing it down in front of us. "Would you like a moment?"

"No, not to worry I'm paying cash." Elliott said pulling out a very expensive looking wallet.

It probably cost more than everything in my purse. "Could I get the card machine for my half?" I asked.

"No no no." Elliott said quickly, "I'm paying."


"No buts, I invited you and chose the restaurant so it's up to me to pay." He said firmly and I blinked at the authoritative tone.

"I'm perfect capable of paying for myself. Plus you didn't even touch the wine." I pointed out.

"I'm not a fan of wine." He reminded, "Phoebe, I have more money than I know what to do with and I want to treat you right. Please let me?"

How was I supposed to say no to that? I bit my lip, my inner feminist insisting we should pay but my inner romantic still caught on the fact he wanted to treat me right.

I squashed them both down, "Ok, but I buy us drinks next?"

He grinned, "Of course."

Daniel still waiting patiently, watched the exchange and then focused on Elliott as he dropped a wad of notes into the dish without looking at the receipt. From the way Daniel's eyes boggled, it was a lot more than the cost of the meal.

"Thank you sir." He said breathlessly as he picked up the dish with shaky hands, "And thank you for choosing Jio's."

Elliott nodded, "Always a pleasure." He looked across the table at me, "Ready?"

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