Chapter 24 - Phoebe

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The closer we got to the restaurant, the sicker I felt. "I think I'm going down with something." I hunched forwards, clutching my stomach.

Cara, gave me a cursory glanced and scoffed, "I'm sure you'll be fine."

"No, I'm nauseous and feverish. I might be contagious." I clutched my forehead in a way I hoped made me look sickly.

She didn't even look up from her phone this time, "The only thing hot around here is that chemistry between you and Elliott." She chuckled.

"I'm sick." I said plaintively but she wasn't having any of it, still engrossed in whatever she was typing.

With a sigh I flopped back in the seat and glanced out of the window. The too-busy streets of London rolled by. Bright lights, and crowds of blurry strangers all too focused on their destinations to even notice one another. Drunken laughter spilling out of pubs from jokes no one else was in on and obnoxious car horns filled the air.

Not for the first time I longed for the peace of my little village where the loudest noises were the giggles of children playing in the river during the summer.

We slowed, turning into a smaller side street and the taxi glided silently to a stop. I reluctantly undid my seat belt and moved to get out. Trying not to accidentally flash anyone in the street I kept my knees firmly together as I slid out and tottered slowly round the car in the stupid high heeled boots Cara had recommended. Teamed with the tights and layered black dress I looked elegant and edgy. Neither word could have ever been used to describe me before.

Cara still hadn't stepped out and I moved towards her door. The window rolled down, and she smiled out at me sheepishly. "So, he's already in there. I'm going to head back but there's a key and the address for my apartment in your bag so you can crash with me when you're done." She said quickly.

"B-but you're invited." My eyes widened in realisation that she had planned this well enough to sneak things into my bag.

"And now I'm uninviting myself."

"I need to get back to check on Nanna." I moved to get back in the taxi but heard the unmistakable sound of the door locks clicking into place.

"Go. Enjoy yourself. I'll have someone check on your Nanna and then you can tell her all about your exciting date tomorrow." She grinned.

"It's not a date. We are just friends." I protested weakly, tugging at the locked car door uselessly.

"Honey, I'm your friend and I can confirm you've never looked at me like that before."

"This isn't funny Cara." I warned.

She presses the button and the window started rolling up, "Have fun Pheebs, you deserve to-" her words cut off and muffled as the window closed.

I saw her frown and stab a finger at the button, so the window rolled down again, "Well I timed that badly, closed faster than I expected." She laughed, "As I was saying, you deserve to relax and let your hair down. Just have fun and get to know each other. If you hate him by the end of the night you never have to see him again."

"That's not what I'm afraid of." I whispered.

"Then what is it?"

"I'm afraid I won't hate him.' The tiny confession had realisation dawning in her eyes.

She softened, "Why don't we cross that bridge when we come to it?" she asked gently.

I turned to look at the pretty building with Jio and Wine emblazoned across it in flickering fluorescent lights. "You're sure he's in there?" I asked, fear of history repeating itself filling me.

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