Chapter 35 - Elliott

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'I'm just glad it's over', came her immediate response. 

I cringed at her wording choice. This wasn't a lifestyle where things were over just like that and she had to know it but she was so naïve. Not for the first time I wondered if I was being selfish continuing this.

I voiced my concerns when I got back to the flat. "She's a big girl," Erik said firmly, "and she's perfectly capable of making her own decisions. Why don't you let her decide when enough is enough for her?"

He was right of course but still that guilt niggled in my chest. 

The rest of the day was a whirlwind of practice and texting Phoebe every moment I had. I fell into bed earlier than usual. Leaning against the headboard I fired off another text. 'Ready to call for a bit?'

'Sure' she replied after a moment. I could almost feel the shyness through the message and grinned as I hit call.

"Hey beautiful." I purred when she answered on the second ring.

"Hey yourself," I could hear the smile in her voice and my own mouth turned up in response.

"What you been up to today then princess?"

"Princess?" she giggled and then called out in a more normal, if slightly flustered voice, "Night Nanna." 

I heard someone reply but couldn't catch watch they said. "Nanna!" Phoebe admonished sounded caught between a laugh and horror. "I'm so sorry." she added quickly to me.

"No worries, what did she say, I didn't hear." 

"Oh thank god. Never mind. So what's with the 'princess' thing?" 

I decided to let whatever it was slide but had a feeling I was going to get on well with her Nanna. "Nicknames." I replied, "just trying them out and seeing which one fits."

I heard a door close before Phoebe spoke, "Well lets see if we can narrow it down, what other names are on your list?"

"Babe, baby girl-"

"Nope and nope" she cut me off quickly.

"I don't think they're that bad!" I laughed


"Ok, darling, angel, buttercup, precious, pet, doll, sunshine." I reeled off.

"All no's." she laughed.

"Well what would you prefer?" I said with an eyeroll.

She paused and I could almost hear how hard she was thinking. Then the little hitch in her breathing that told me she had an idea. "You promise not to laugh?"

"Of course," I clamped my lips together just in case.

"I like it when you say love." she said shyly.

My heart thudded, "Oh really? Any particular" I asked in a low voice.

"" she stammered and I knew she was blushing, "Well Klaus says it."

"Klaus?" jealousy flared hot in me and sat up with a jolt.

"From the Vampire Diaries and The Originals." she confessed in a small voice.

I couldn't help the laugh of relief that burst out of me. "You promised you wouldn't laugh!" she said accusingly. 

"I said I wouldn't laugh at the nickname, it's different. Anyway, I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at me. I got jealous for a sec then!" 

I could hear the smile in her voice, "So when will I see you again?"

My heart did a silly little flip. I knew she liked me dammit how did she have so much control over me.

"We've got a couple of full on days with work but I'd love to take you on a date on Friday if you're free?"

Now I was the one who sounded nervous.

"I'd really like that, what did you have in mind?" She replied quickly.

"It's a surprise." I said slowly.

"Ooooo that's so exciting!"

Her little squeal made me smile again and suddenly I was very determined to come up with an amazing date to blow her mind.

Friday morning

Everything was in place, meticulously organised and I couldn't wait to see what she thought.

I had already sent a car to pick her up and they would be here any moment. I smoothed my shirt and looked around, taking it all in.

Cara and Victoria had been invaluable to making this happen and even her Nanna had given me some great help and advice.

"You look so scared," Erik laughed as he wandered into the kitchen.

"I'm not, I just want her to enjoy herself!"

"Who are you and want have you done with my man whore of a bestie!"

"I was never!" I laughed shoving him.

"Seriously though bro, love looks good on you." He said with a wry grin.

"That would make a good song." I grinned reaching for a notepad. My phone buzzed, they were leaving and that was my cue to get going too.

"Catch you later." I waved as I rushed out.

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