Chapter Three

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Cheyenne POV:

I had gotten the hang of my job fairly quickly.

Marley was suck a good guy. Jack absolutely adored him. Marley would let Jack sit and watch him do his magic. The man was gifted.

I had to say, he was extremely good looking as well with his dark brown hair and matching eyes.

He had told me a bit about himself. He was part of an MC called the Angels of Night. I met a few of them that came in and they were all very welcoming to Jack and I. I met two twin, very heavily pregnant women named Sarah and Lana. They had walked in with leather jackets that had the names 'Kade's girl' and 'Ryder's girl'.

They had explained that they were the old ladies of a couple of club member and were also the daughters of the club president, Samuel.

Sarah was Kade's fiancé and were getting married in after their daughter was born. Lana was ready to give birth any day to her son, Jonah and Sarah was about a month and a half away from giving birth to her daughter, Diana.

"Cheyenne, the MC is having dinner tonight and we were wondering if you and Jack would like to join us." Marley told me as he worked on a tattoo for one of the newest members, Dean. "That sound good to you, Jacky?" I asked him. "Yeah." He responded with a smile. "Okay, then. It's settled, little man." Marley told him.

Marley and Jack had gotten close in the few days that we had been here.

I haven't heard a peep about my father looking for us. I had ditched my cell phone in case he tried to contact me but I was honestly surprised he hadn't reported us missing yet. I was glad for that, though. He didn't know where we had gone so we were safe for the time being, at least.

One of the twins, Lana walked into the shop and turned to me.

"Hey, girl. Sarah and I are going shopping for some the babies. Would you like to join us? Maybe get something for you and Jack?" She asked. "I appreciate it, Sarah, but I don't exactly have a lot of money right now." I replied. "Oh honey, don't worry about that. We got it covered." She told me. "No, I couldn't do that." I said. "Trust me. Money isn't an issue for us. Please." She said, pouting.

I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.

"Okay. When did you want to go?" I asked. "Before dinner, tonight?" She asked. "Sure." I told her. "Great! I'll see you after work. We'll pick you up." She said, before leaving. 

After work, the girls had picked me up, as promised and we headed to the mall.

"Where are you from, Cheyenne?" Lana asked. "Virginia. Jack and I needed a change of scenery." I replied. "You know, when we first met, I thought he was your son." Sarah told me. "He is, in a way. My mother died giving birth to him and our father wasn't exactly a healthy role model so I've raised him his entire life. His first word was momma." I said.

"How old are you?" Lana asked. "Eighteen." I replied. "Jesus. So, you basically became a mother when you were ten?" She asked. "Nine, actually. Jack just turned eight a couple of months ago." I said.

"He's lucky to have you." Sarah said. "Thank you." I replied, smiling softly.

After an hour or so of shopping for ourselves, we headed to the maternity store.

"I love this!" Lana squealed, looking at the tiny onesie. "It's cute." I replied.

After another long, agonizing hour, the girls were finally ready to head back to the club house.

We talked and laughed as we drove.

Suddenly, Lana let out a loud gasp.

"Oh fuck! My water broke!" She said, panicking.

"Fuck! Okay, I'll call Ryder." Sarah replied, pulling out her phone.

Looks like dinner is canceled tonight.

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