Chapter Five

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Marley POV:

After Cheyenne and Jack left, I turned to the guys. A look of guilt passed all of our faces. Seeing Jack cry with so much fear in his eyes, I couldn't help but believe Cheyenne.

"Do you think she was telling the truth?" I asked. "We don't know this girl. She will just bring trouble." Ryder said. "Dude, she's gonna go to prison for doing what best for her brother. We can't just sit on our asses and let that happen. Jack can't go back there and that's exactly what will happen in Cheyenne gets locked up." I replied. "There's nothing we can do." Kade said.

"We took Dean in! How the fuck is this any different?" I yelled. "Dean didn't have his face plastered all over the fucking news, Marley!" Danny yelled back.

"So we just sit here and do nothing? Let Cheyenne rot in prison and possibly let an innocent boy get killed? You know it will happen." I said.

"Marley's right, guys." Sarah said as she walked up behind me. "What?" Ryder asked. "Cheyenne doesn't deserve this. We have to help her." She told us. "We could all go to prison." Danny said. "You're willing to risk Jack's life? Since when does our MC do that?" Sarah asked.

She had a fucking point and they knew it.

"We aren't talking about this anymore." Ryder said and walked away.

Fuck them. If they weren't going to help her, I would.

"You're all cowards." I said and stormed out the door.

I pulled up to the Blue Bird but saw that Cheyenne's car was gone. Fuck!

I ran up to the front desk and looked at the woman behind the counter.

"Is Cheyenne Clark still checked in here?" I asked.

The woman looked through her records then shook her head.

"She checked out about an hour ago." She replied.

Damn it! I had to find her.

I tried calling her cell but she didn't answer so I left a message.

"Cheyenne, please call me back." I said and got back on the road to look for her.

Cheyenne POV:

My phone had been ringing off the hook for over an hour.

"Marley is calling again." Jack told me.

I didn't understand why Marley had been constantly calling me, considering he and the rest of the MC had thrown me out. They had made it clear they didn't want anything to do with this so I didn't bother answering.


My eyes widened and I looked at Jack and saw he answered.

"Jack!" I yelled.

"She doesn't want to talk to you.. But she told the truth!" Jack yelled, angrily then looked at me.

"He told me to give you the phone." Jack told me. I glared at him before looking back at the road.

"I think I made her mad.. She won't talk.. I don't know where we are.."

I snatched the phone from Jack and hung it up.

"You shouldn't have done that!" I yelled. "I'm sorry." He replied quietly.

We were now somewhere in Nashville.

Now that our faces were everywhere, we couldn't exactly stop to get a motel room so we would have to pull over and sleep in the car.

"I'm cold, Cheyenne." Jack said as he shivered. "I know, baby." I said as I climbed into the back seat and hugged him close to me to keep him as warm as I could.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered to him as he slept.

I couldn't stop the constant tears that fell down my face. I didn't know what to do.

I knew the cops would catch up to us eventually and I knew Jack would go back to dad.

I felt like I had broken my promise to him.

Marley POV:

When I got back to the club house, I stormed into Ryder's office.

"What?" He asked. "You realize that they have nowhere to go, right? Their faces are everywhere and its the middle of fucking December!" I yelled.

Ryder's face fell, slightly. I guarantee he didn't think about that.

"I talked to Jack. Man, Cheyenne wasn't lying. For the love of God, don't do this to them." I begged.

Fuck, I was ready to get down on my knees.

Ryder only sighed and nodded.

"Tell Danny to track her GPS." He told me. "Will do." I said and called Danny.

After just a few minutes, Danny tracked Cheyenne's phone to Nashville. Only a two hour drive.

I finally found Cheyenne's car just past the Nashville state line and found her and Jack laying in the back seat and knocked lightly on the window.

Cheyenne instantly looked up and I opened the car door.

"It's me." I said so she wouldn't panic.

"How'd you find me?" She asked. "Don't worry about it. I can't let you sleep in your car. Please follow me back to the club house." I begged. "Why?" She asked. "Because I want you to come back. We all do." I told her.

She just looked at me for a moment.

"At least do it for Jack." I said.

She sighed, finally giving in and followed me back to the house.

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