Chapter 5- Almost a Pool Party

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Thursday starts and I was happier than usual, probably because of the triple date from the night before. I enter gym class and thank god because all we had to do was run track.

"Okay ladies. Pair up with a partner and make sure you circle me FIVE TIMES." The teacher yelled as people started to move without her say-so.

I didn't really know anybody in this class expect Serena. She had friends in this class though, so when I heard my name being called, I was surprised.

"Alex! Alex! Be my partner" Serena called out from the other side of the track.

I jog over to her with a smile. When I reach her, she starts to jog the track. Serena can run fast. At first I was disappointed in the silence of running. All I could hear was my obvious inferior athletic ability in the form of panting. After the second round the pace slows down noticeably.

"So I listened to your playlist" Serena says almost out of nowhere.

I remember the events last night and ask her, "So what'd you think?"

"I mean... I understand. It was more out there, there was more meaning and I guess overall, I would give it an 8.5 out of 10" She replies, taking a moment to stop and think before her mark.

I wheeze out in a smile, "Wooow an 8.5 that's harsh"

She tips her head over to one side playfully, "Well I was gonna give it an 8 out of 10, but REO speedwagon and Prince brought it up half a point."

We both start to laugh as I add, "Well how kind of you".

Laughter from her end stop quickly as she adds on, "Oh I'm sorry by the way for calling you out of the blue at night. I mean I could've gotten it from you today."

I shake my head, "No no. It was actually good. Cam started kissing me and well, I wasn't in the mood so..."

"Oh. Is it cause of your family stuff?" she asks politely.

I pause for a moment before speaking. "Yeah.. When I had to leave early that one time, it was because my mom found a thong in my dad's stuff."

"Oh god..."

I continue, "Yeah she was freaking out, having another one of her episodes. So I got her to go to bed while I waited for him to come home. But he never does. It's like he knows she found out and just won't come. It's always like this."

"Is your mom okay?" She asks.

"I mean, it's pretty much the third time he's done it. So I would say she should be used to it already, but for some reason she's always the same amount of heartbroken each time."

"Hey. If you need to focus on your family, your mom, you don't need to come tutor me so often, or even at all." She says, with full concern for me.

"No god no. You are like an escape, cause then I'll have to deal with my mom. Which sometimes sucks... a lot." I reply.

She chuckles a little with a smirk, "Okay good."

The teacher blows her whistle, marking all of us to head to the showers and move to next period.

The day ends and I am beside Serena during math tutor. We didn't talk much because she had a lot of homework, and because I was hesitant to speak and Serena could sense it. Near the end of the session, she turns to me and says "So Em is having a party on Saturday. He told me to invite you."

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