Chapter 7- Home

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A/N: Hey guys. I just wanted to say thank you to those who have been reading! The gay is about to start very soon, I promise. 


The last session had passed, Serena surprised me with a box of donuts and I surprised her with coffee. It was a little sad since we knew it would be the last session we would have in school since my mom wanted me to be doing homework or "useful things" instead of helping others with their homework. It was a nice loophole. Serena and I could still hang out after school and my mom would put it under the "doing homework category".

Serena walks home with me after school. My house was only a 15 minutes away, so when the weather permits, I like to walk home. A couple minutes into walking and suddenly I feel a hand brush up my back. I quickly stop and turn, ready to attack whomever touched me. It was only Cam.

"GOD CAM! You scared me" I yell at him, lightly punching him on the shoulder. I see Serena slightly uncomfortable at the side.

"What? Come on you can't actually be mad Alex." He asks me.

I don't reply.

"Alright," he continues, "well I wanted to know if you wanted to get dinner with me tonight."

I look to Serena who looks away from me. I remember that I don't need her permission and reply. "Yeah sure. But pick me up at 6pm. I have to study with Serena."

He smiles exuberantly and says "awesome. I'll pick you up then."

Cam leans in to kiss me but within a split second of our lips touching, I turn my head and his lips hit my cheek. He stops for a moment, unhappy with my motion.

He pulls away. "Okay then. I'll see you at six," he says to me. He turns to Serena then says, "And I'll see you at school." Serena smiles politely, waiting for him to leave. Cam walks the other way and Serena and I continue on.

We reach home. I open the door to my mom cleaning the house. This was not a good sign. Whenever my mom cleans the house, it meant that she had something on her mind. So this time, she had something on her mind. I knew what it was to be honest. It was my dad. He had not been home for almost a week and a half. I walk up to my mom and tap her on the shoulder.

"Hey mom! This is Serena. She and I are gonna study together."

"Good. Studying is important. Where do you want to go to school Serena?" My mom asks, stopping her motion and taking a seat on the couch.

Serena and I take a seat as well. "Umm well whatever scholarships I get, I guess." She replies.

My mom frowns. I try and help. "Well Serena plays three sports and she is very good, so good universities from all over are going to be offering her scholarships."

My mom's smile forms again. "Well that sounds great. Your parents must be very proud of you. I'm sure that you also have good grades, you seem like –"

"Mom..." I stop her. "I already told you about Serena." I turn to Serena and tell her "Serena I'm so sorry. I mentioned you to my mom before and she –".

Serena places her hand on mine, signalling me to stop. "No it's fine. Yes my parents did like that I played a lot of sports. They complained that they were my like my escort everywhere though." She jokes and my mom laughs. My mom rarely laughed. I look at Serena with a smile.

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