Chapter 3

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Sonya had stayed up all night with me. She had felt sorry for me which seemed to have softened her hard mean insides. Ashleigh walked to my stall wiping the sleep from her eyes. Ashleigh then gasped. Ashleigh said," What the...... Starfire...... Are you ok?" Ashleigh opened the stall door and came in. She got some blankets and put them on my back. I felt sickish everywhere inside me. My tummy hurt so badly. I weakly whinnied at Ashleigh whose eyes were watering close to tears. She sniffed and said," I'll have to get daddy. She rubbed my cheek. Joe walked to the stall door eating some corn on a cob. When he saw me he gasped and the corn dropped out of his hand and corn spilled out of his mouth in great surprise. "What's wrong with....." Joe had been cut off with a loud raging shout from Ashleigh say," You! You idiot!!! It's your entire fault! You'll never be able to own horses and take care of them! Never!" Ashleigh had rose to her feat becoming louder and louder each word. I whinnied at Ashleigh to let her know I was frightened but she seemed to not of hear me because she shouted even louder," Get away you dirty idiot! You don't disserve to be near me! Nor my racehorse!" Joe had silent tears running down his face. I felt sorry for me, for him and scared at the same time giving me a terrible feeling. Joe sputtered quietly," I....I...dd...dddd...didn' arm.......'s the best horse ever!" Joe whirled around and sprinted off. Ashleigh kicked the side of my stall in anger. She patted me one more time and said to me, "I'll go get dad." Ashleigh sprinted off through the morning fog. I closed my eyes. I could see Dutches. She was smiling at me. "Oh I'm so proud of you son!" She sad happily. I was again in the stables as a foal as Marve left happy to have pet me for the first time. Dutches looked proudly at me. I felt as though I haven't seen her in years. I nuzzled her beneath her neck. She said," you're a nice young foal." "Hear he is!" said a voice shakily. I looked up at Dutches as she looked down at me as if she didn't hear anything. "Is he going to be alright daddy? Why is his eyes closed? What can we do to help him?" Each time the voice was growing louder and louder. But Dutches seemed to still not hear the noise. A new voice said," Ashleigh calm down! He'll be alright I promise!" I looked at Dutches who still seemed to not hear the voice. She looked up finally. But not to the noise but to something else that I did not understand. She turned around and started sprinting to a wall of the barn. I whinnied behind her," Hey! Where are you going?" Dutches sprinted through the barn door. It frightened me. I neighed loudly," Ma! Come back!" But she kept running. I whinnied sadly. I kept whinnying and whinnying but she did not turn back or even look back. I whinnied again in pain. Did someone kick me in the tummy? I thought dreamily. I opened me eyes. Tim was saying, "shh.... It's alright Starfire calm down." Bye this I understood I was dreaming and whinnying out loud. The pain had released my body when I was dreaming but now I lay painfully in the stall of White Brook Farm again. Tim put a wooden thing near my mouth. Then he put some brownish slimy stuff on it. "This will help the pain and sickness. You must drink it." Soothed Tim quietly. Ashleigh looked pale as she stared at me. I started drinking Tim's stuff. Tim said," Well let's hope that'll do it. But he may need some help. Ashleigh, but the best thing for him is to be alone. You can visit him before bed time." Ashleigh still pale hugged her father and the two left. Sonya put her head over the wooden window between us and said quietly but in a much beautiful sounding voice" You will get better..... Soon. I knew I needed to take this chance even though I was sick so I thought and said, "Thanks..... So Do you..... You know.... When I recuperate from this..... This sickness..... Would you like to..... You know..... Hang out?" I said shyly. "Yes..... I would like a friend." Sonya said quietly. She gave me a week smile and then turned away to eat her oats for super. Lightning popped his head through the window and said grinning," Looks like you won yourself a date!" "I said through painful and big breaths," Ya.... Well I'm just going to nap while I wait for Ashleigh..... Night." "Night" Said Lightning back. He went back to eating oats. I closed my eyes. Then after a few hours I heard footsteps. I opened my eyes in time to see Ashleigh. She wasn't as pale anymore. She came in and patted me on the neck. She offered me an apple. I refused it. She frowned and hugged me. "Get well Starfire." She whispered quietly. Then she stood and disappeared through the darkness after shutting the stall door for the night.

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