Chapter 9

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I was brought to Ashleigh's house. I was put in the familiar field. Joe ran over and hugged me. I hugged back. I missed this place. Ashleigh, me and Joe played together. I neighed happily as I played with them. I heard a whinny from the stable. I stopped in my tracks. It was Sonya's neigh. I raced and jumped over the fence toward the stables. I looked in every one until I saw Sonya. She looked much better then she did at the stables. Ashleigh and Joe had groomed me and cooled me down and made me look beautiful. I whinnied," I'm so sorry Sonya. I really hope and wish you would forgive me! I don't know what I was thinking. Ashleigh smiled and opened the stable door. Sonya smiled," I missed you Starfire!" She raced over to me and hugged me. "I missed you too." I said softly. I and Sonya were put by ourselves in the field. "Is Lightning ok?" I asked. Sonya nodded," His leg isn't broken. He'll be back in three weeks." I and Sonya spend all the time together in the field. Sonya accepted me as her mate and so we did our own stuff in the field privately. I was back home is what mattered though.


It has been two weeks. One more week until I will see Lightning again. Ashleigh has been training me for a race. Sonya was pregnant with me and her foal! I was very excited. Sonya asked," If it's a girl how about Sonador and if it is a boy Flame of Fire?" I said, "Wonderful!" Finally Lightning was back as the week ended. "I'm so sorry Lightning!" Sonya was much wider now. Lightning was about to say something when he was interrupted by Sonya saying," I'm pregnant! With me and Starfire's foal!" Lightning smiled and said," Congrats! Your one lucky guy Starfire!" I went next to Sonya and said," Yes I am!"

The day of me and Ashleigh's race! I was at the starting line. "Ready! Set! GO!" Shouted the announcer! I was paced. I neighed and threw my head up. Ashleigh smiled. At the end I released my energy at the end. I was stronger and faster than ever! I won the race!

Days, weeks, months pasted with wonderful events. The night of Sonya's foaling was tonight! I stayed up all night as Sonya slept. Then she woke up. I sat down next to her. Lightning was up too. He looked over the stall at us. Sonya sputtered," I.....I think it's coming..." I said," You'll do fine Sonya. You can do it!" Sonya closed her eyes and snorted. Then I saw a small hoof. I laid my head over her neck to give her comfort. Then I saw the back two legs of the foal. I squeezed my head on Sonya's neck. Sonya snorted and snorted. Then the whole foal came out. Ashleigh had quietly watched with Joe. Ashleigh's dad came in with Ashleigh and Joe and helped the foal out. Sonya stopped the snorting. Then the foal was released. I nudged Sonya quietly saying," Well done!" I went over to the foal as Sonya rested a little. "It's a boy!" I said happily. Sonya came over and together we licked the foal clean. Lightning whinnied happily and Joe and Ashleigh smiled. The foal turned out to be black like an identical me. Sonya said as we finished cleaning the colt," We'll name him Flame or Fire?" I smiled and together we agreed," I like Fire." Ashleigh seemed to have red our mind. "I feel that Sonya and Starfire want to name him Fire. Fire started to stand. Finally he stood. He started nursing from Sonya. We all smiled as Sonya said," He looks like you Starfire!

Soon Lightning, I, Sonya, and Fire were in the field. I started trotting. Fire started following me. I galloped slowly so Fire could keep up. Fire started running faster. I sprinted with him. Sonya shouted," We got ourselves a racehorse!

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