Chapter 5

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I was pasted with only a quick glance from people. Some didn't even look at me. I sadly let my head hand. My legs barely held me up. My skin and coat was wet with sweat and my whole body was matted with dirt and my wrapped leg had dirt padded on it as well. I closed my eyes. I kept them closed for maybe about 5 minutes before I reopened them. Then I shut them again. I felt something touch me. I raised my head slowly and opened my eyes. I saw a spotted horse glaring at me. She said," Your ugly! I'm never touching you again you discussing creature! You disserve to live in the dumpster!" I lowered my head not saying anything to her. I knew already that I didn't look nice anymore. I didn't need to know again. Then I felt something again. I thought stop spotted horse! Then it felt as though something was stroking my neck. I looked up and saw the man I had saw at my race! He must know what happened! He still had the well combed brown hair. His eyes were green and his face looked full of concern. I stared back at him. He continued to stroke my dirty body. I whinnied softly. He smiled. I could tell instantly that he was kind. I whinnied again," Please! Take me home!" He looked at my wrapped leg. My owner came over and said," The horse will be able to run. The man stroking me looked at my owner and said," Do you think we can try to arrange a price?" For 5 whole minutes they argued. I waited patently hoping with all my heart that this man would buy me. "Deal" Said both men said together. The man handed my owner some golden thing and walked over to me. He snapped a lead to my bridle and my owner opened the gate with his key. Then my new owner led me off. I was soon put in a trailer. My new master was named Jerry. Soon the trailer stopped and I was led out. This place had a huge ring and a field and a barn and a house. The house was hooked up to the barn. When I was led in I saw some nice neat hay laid out for me. I was led into my stall and gave me an apple. I ate it gratefully. Then I lay down and started eating hay. Jerry took out a brush and started grooming me. The dirt on my sleek fur started coming off from my previous disaster. I rested my head against the hay and closed my eyes and breathed steadily. Mother! Dutches and me were in the barn together. Dutches looked at me and said, yes? Will I be able to race again? Dutches seemed not to hear me because instead she said everyday I will think about you. Every night I will gaze up at the stars and try to talk to you. I remembered her saying that to me when I was growing up and getting trained. I didn't understand why she said that but now I knew. That is what she was going to do when I left. I missed Dutches terribly. I said to Dutches I wish I were with you now. I remember the day before I left Dutches said, "We will always be together" I thought about it. I looked at Dutches's beautiful face. All of a sudden everything turned white. I whinnied calling out to Dutches but there was no reply. I opened my eyes to find Jerry gathering breakfast and grooming stuff. He groomed me and fed me talking nicely the whole time. I missed Dutches so much! I thought of how proud of me she would be to see me now. For weeks I was able to lay there lazily in the barn with my leg held up. I never thought of Dutches so much. One day Jerry took me to the vet. They examined me with great interest. I was very week not able to stand anymore while my leg got proper healing made me shake with effort to keep me standing. I could barely walk anymore! Upset I whinnied and lay down. The vet removed the annoying cast on my leg and examined it. It was wet and sweaty and a huge bruise with many stitches showed. The vet said,"His leg might not look well at all but compared to what it looked like before, it is much better. Looking back at my bruise I saw the small stitches. My bruise was multi-colored with purple, red and a couple more. My leg smelled like sweat that haven't ever escaped from the recent race I had. The cool breeze refreshed my swollen leg and I felt the very little relief I had. The vet pulled on my lead ordering me to stand. I tried yanking my head away but the vet kept a firm hold. I was uncomfortable in this position and I was forced to struggle to stand. Finally I stood shaking as bad as before. Sweat ran down my face. The vet took one step. I wanted to lie back down. I neighed loudly. I didn't want to walk! Jerry took the lead from the vet. I had grown very accustomed to his visits. He rubbed his hand down my sweaty neck. Then he pulled. I neighed louder than ever but took a step anyway. I clasped as I took the step. Jerry looked at the vet. He said," Do that everyday until he can walk properly again. Then take him in a faster and faster pace. His leg will heal day after day faster without a cast now and it will get easier. Jerry nodded showing that he understood. I was put on the wood and token back to the truck. Everyday I was forced to take a step. After twelve days here is what happened. Like usual Jerry greeted me. I hated him he must be giving me a hard time! Again he hooked up my lead and forced me to stand. This time I didn't struggle that much as I stood. Jerry smiled and tightened the lead. I wanted to get over with this so I took a step. I shook like crazy but for once I didn't fall on my first step! I completed the full step. Jerry made me do eight steps and on the ninth step I was shaking so hard and everything felt blurry. I clasped. Jerry patted my soaking sweaty neck and cooled me down. I didn't give him any sign of affection toward him. I hated him! As he left me for the night I thought maybe if I can get myself to walk he won't be able to to do this to me! I got up instantly and took steps. This time I took thirty-nine steps! On the fortieth step I fell. I dozed for two hours or so and got up and walked around again. I walked and walked and I didn't fall. I walked of a half hour and I still didn't seem to struggle. But I started to get tired. I lay down and dozed for the rest of the night. In the morning I woke up to Jerry's usual presence. He took my lead and had me stand up. Then he made me walk. I walked with no problem at all. Then he started jogging. I started to trot. But I felt weakness approach slowly. After 5 minutes I stopped and lay down. I was sweaty like usual but I never saw Jerry so happy around me. He gave me a couple apples. I enjoyed them as he groomed me. In the afternoon I got up and trotted. I did the same tonight. No sign of weakness came as I trotted. The next day Jerry was pleased with my progress. He put on a saddle and got on my back. I was excited to be ridden again after so long. My bruise on my leg was healing and only the stitches and a little of the bruise showed. I walked perfectly. I trotted perfectly too. Jerry was about to slow me down for he day. No! I wanted to run! As he pulled the reins back I pulled my head back as far as I could. I whinnied. Jerry loosened his grip a little trying to get me to stop. Here was my chance! Just enough rein to run! I charged forward running in a steady pace. I pushed myself but I didn't go nearly as fast as I usually could. Jerry loosened the reins completely and let me run. Surprisingly I got tired fast. Jerry noticed that and slowed me down to a walk. I breathed hard. As he walked me back to the stable. I was cooled down and I ate. I lay down. After an hour Jerry came back out. I felt completely rested. Jerry had me stand. But then he tied my reins to a post so that I couldn't lie back down. I neighed upset but Jerry ignored my protests. He feed me an apple and went inside. All day and night I had to stand. He came out the next morning. He took my lead saddled me up and rode me outside. I happily neighed feeling the cool breeze. He ran me hard that day. I got very tired but he had me run anyway. Hours pasted. I almost felt as like I couldn't breathe. I complained sadly as I whinnied when I was forced to run again. At lunch time I could barely stand up and my breathing was harsh. I was lead to the fields. I sat down and ate grass. It was a treat after not eating it in so long. That night I was tired. My breathing was steady though. I was led into the barn. I went strait to sleep when Jerry left. The next morning I was saddled again like usual and worked harder and longer each day. At the end of the week Jerry took me outside and saddled me. I saw a pole labeled START. He was racing me! "Ready......" Jerry said. "Get set!" "GO!" He urged me forward. I started running as fast as I could but he slowed me down to a fair pace. I had to run lots of laps. Just like a race! It was almost as long too! I was improving! As I neared the finish Jerry let me run as fast as I could. I ran so fast! As fast as I used to! No.....Faster!!!! I couldn't believe how fast I could run for so long. I pushed myself even faster. I could see barely anything as the wind hit my face. I was slowed down to a halt. I looked behind me. I saw the pole labeled FINSH! on it. Jerry had started slowing me down but I was running so fast that it took awhile to slow me down. The finish pole was far behind me! Pleased with myself I neighed. Jerry smiled and patted my neck. "Good job black horse!" he said," I didn't name you yet! Well your black......Your beautiful......your fast.....How about Beautiful Black Flame! Flame for short! Ok lets head back Black Flame! Got to reward you with treats and cool you down my racehorse!" When we got back I was given lots of apples and carrots. I understood that Jerry was a very nice person he was only making me struggle for my own good! I was upset on how I treated me. I turned my head back and nudged him. He smiled as he was grooming me and said," You finally understand!" He hugged me and said," Good night Flame and he left me in the barn for the night.


Next week I woke up early and was loaded in the truck. I wondered where are we going? Within an hour I found out. As the trailer was opened and Jerry grasped my lead I neighed with shock and scared. Not racing! Jerry struggled to calm me. Then he led me to a stall and let me get used to my surroundings. In five hours in the afternoon I was led out. Jerry was wearing a jockey suit. He saddled me up. I was number 4. He leads me to the starting gates and mounted me. I was locked in the starting gates as usual. I neighed loudly viewing the last races painful images. Jerry stroked me from on my back trying to calm me. I reared and Jerry quickly lowered me. "Please Flame! Be good for me! I promise! I won't hurt you! I'm not like your old owner! You got to trust me in order for us to win this!" I calmed down to his soft voice as he praised me. I heard the loud speaker say," Rider number 4! Jerry and his horse Beautiful Black Flame!" I heard the crowd cheer for me and Jerry. Then the other riders were announced then......."On your mark! Get set! GO!" Shouted the man through the microphone the gates opened and I was urged forward. I was slowed down a bit into 4th place. Iran and ran for Jerry. He felt all the energy I had stored and let me move faster to 2nd place but no faster then that. Finally the end came. Excitement rose in me. I was urged to run my fastest. I swooped by the horse in first place and I started to run the blur coming as the wind hit my face. I was slowed down with cries of joy from Jerry and his relatives. I jumped a little to tell Jerry to hold on. I reared proudly and the crowd cheered. Jerry smiled and urged me forward. I whinnied joyfully and sprinted a fast lap around the course and after one lap I was halted. I reared again neighing loudly and the crowd screamed loudly. Jerry dismounted and walked me over to the winner's circle. Now I breath loudly tired but happy. Jerry was handed a ribbon and trophy. The ribbon was hooked onto me. I whinnied. Jerry hugged me.



Then I saw a rider with a whip dismount his horse and take off his helmet. I pranced joyfully until I realized who that was. It was James! I remembered he almost killed my Sonya! He glared at me and started walking through people toward me. Jerry looked at me surprised at my sudden fright. I saw James wicked self. I reared toward him and he stepped back in time. Jerry tried calming me. James glared at me then walked away. I calmed down. That night we were off home. That night Jerry washed me then left me for the night with an apple. I thought about my friends. I missed Sonya and Lightning so much. I missed Ashleigh, I missed Joe and I missed my name Starfire. I wondered if Sonya and Lightning were still at that horrible place. Maybe they are at a nicer home, Sonya and Lightning. I whinnied greeting Jerry the next morning when he came out. He rubbed my neck and cheerfully saddled me up. He said," I need to get groceries today at the store." He rode me on the road and soon I trotted to the store. Jerry took off my saddle and bridle and he tied my lead rope tight to a hitching post and left. I couldn't move much but I didn't mind. There were several horses on the hitching post. I saw James ride up. I panicked and tried to rear and bite he was struggling with a wild horse! He led the wild horse up to me. Then he kicked my tummy. It hurt so bad. I aimed a kick at him and I kicked the wild horse instead! James ran off. The wild horse looked at me angrily. He tried kicking me but I barely dodged it. I tried breaking free from the post but I couldn't. The wild horse kicked me straight in the face. I whinnied in pain. The wild horse kicked me again this time on the neck and he broke the rope holding me. I put my ears flat on my head weak from his attacks. I reared and kicked him on the body hard. Then I knocked him over. I reared about to kill him when I realized that I couldn't. I stepped away. The horse got up. He neighed painfully .He used both of his hooves to kick me over. Now he stood over me looking down at me. I saw Jerry running out dropping his groceries as he went. The horse reared and stomped. I dodged his killing attack. The stallion did it again and hit my neck. The two hooves slipped down my neck and to the ground. My neck was cut very deep. I felt dizzy, blurry, and painfully hurt. I was almost unconscious. Jerry shooed the stallion away. Not thinking at all I stood up quickly. Jerry tried grasping my reins but I dodged it. I turned toward the woods and sprinted off. I didn't know where I was going I just ran through bushes that scraped me. Then I got deep in the woods and clasped. My neck hurt so bad. I laid there an hour. Then I heard someone come. It was Jerry. He took my lead and led me slowly out of the woods. He loaded me in a truck. I fell asleep as he drove.

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