Chapter 7

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The next morning I opened my eyes. The stall door opened and people were talking. I shyly scooted to the back of the stall. The man didn't notice and hooked up my lead to my halter. I was lead to a field. Then the men took my halter and lead off, still talking, petted me. The men went back and kept bringing all the horses out to graze. I was crowded. I wish I had space. I started eating some grass. Then I heard a girl shout," Come here horses!" None of the horses came over. Shyly I looked back down at the ground but didn't eat. This girl had beautiful blue eyes and dark brown hair that was straighter then any hair I've ever seen before. She entered the field. She walked over to an almost peer white horse with a pink nose. The horse whinnied frightened and ran to the other side of the field. This girl kept going up to horses but the horses were furious and ran off. The girl started getting tired. I watched the whole time as the girl chased all the horses. The men at the side shouted, "Try that black horse in the middle of the field!" The girl turned around and looked at me. She slowly started walking over to me. I stood there and let her reach out and touch my neck. She patted me and smiled. "I want him daddy! I'm sure my friends would love him!" A man nodded and bought me. I was loaded in the trailer. Within a half hour we arrived at a beautiful farm. The girl's name was Emily. Emily unloaded me and led me to the field. She said," You will like the field. Beautiful green grass is grown here!" She led me into the field. I whinnied gleefully. I reared happily. There was grass and space! I started to run. Emily grinned as she watched me sprint around the field. I kicked my hooves up in the air and pranced happily. As I continued to run I thought that I never had loved the field so much. In a week Emily came running toward me like usual but this time with a saddle and bridle. And like usual there was a blanket. Emily set the saddle and bridle on the fence and put the blanket on my back. Like usual she mounted on the blanket that was on my back and we rode together. Like usual we had a lot of fun. Then Emily shouted, "I'll name you Star! No Black Star!" Then Emily shouted," Hey look over there! Their my friends!" I looked over and I saw a palomino horse and a chestnut and grey horse. "The one with the grey horse and chestnut horse are twins! The palomino horse is another friend. Emily said," Lets go over to meet them Black Star!" She urged me forward. I raced across the field and stopped at the gate as Emily's friends on their horses came to meet us. Emily said, "Hi!" Her friends said hi back. I looked at Emily as she petted me. Then the chestnut horse said," Starfire.....Is that you?" Then the grey horse said," Yes! It is! Starfire! Hey man!" I looked at them. It was Sonya and Lightning! I whinnied gleefully. "Hi guys! I've missed you so much!" Sonya said,"You see those rich people sold us a week after you were sold. I and Lightning made them so mad! Then we got these twins on our backs. We have been with them ever since." "Lucky" I said as I told them what my life during their absents. Lightning said, "Wow. That's harsh!" I nodded in agreement. Emily said," Black Star, this is my friend Megan on the white horse and Maya is on the chestnut horse. Anna is on the palomino horse." Then Emily put me, Sonya, Lightning and the palomino horse in the field. Lightning said to me," This is Wonder." I looked at the palomino horse. Wonder said," So you're Starfire. Are you really as fast as Sonya and Lightning said you were? They said so much good things about you." I smiled toward Sonya and Lightning and I said," I guess I'm kind of fast." Sonya interrupt," No you're really fast." Wonder smiled and asked," Please will you prove it. I wanted to meet a star racehorse all my life!" I smiled. "Okay." Lightning made a finish line and Wonder made a starting line. "Ready? Set......GO!" Said Sonya loudly. I sprinted off. A good start. I thought to myself. I saw the blur I usually saw. But I was running too fast. No rider to direct me! But I wanted Wonder to see a first nice glance of me. It has been about 30 seconds and I was still running really fast. I wondered if I should stop. But that was answered for me. I felt the wood of the other side of the field's gate. I crashed. I fell down scraping the front of my head. I whinnied painfully. Then I fell. I whinnied painfully. I lay down and closed my eyes. I heard Sonya's, Lightning's and Wonder's faint yell. I kept my eyes closed trying to feel relief from the pain. The scrape was below the white star on my for head. Then I heard the hoof beats of Sonya, Lightning and Wonder as they galloped. Clumsily I stood up. As my three friends halted Sonya blurted," Are you all right?" I said angrily," Yah. No thanks to you three." Lightning said desperately," We tried calling to you but you must have not heard us because you kept running. We started running after you but you out ran us." Frustrated I turned away and said loudly," Ok! I said I was fine! So leave me alone!" I started walking away leaving my desperate friends behind.

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