Fight (pt.1)

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3rd POV

Today you were learning the new dance moves from Jimin. Though you weren't a genius dancer like your brother was you were pretty good at it. But there was this one move you couldn't master. No matter how many times you tried you miserably fell on the floor. For you it was frustrating and annoying but for Jimin it was cute. He chuckled silently and helped you get back up. But you slapped away your brother's hand. You didn't understand what he found it so funny about you falling down on the floor so miserably not just once but this is the fifth time now!! Jimin was taken aback but he figured out you were probably upset from the move you are struggling to master and ruffled your hair softly.

"Chimm-" he was cut off by you yelling


"Shh.. calm down. Chim, I know you are tired frustrated from all the practice but that's not the tone you should be using with me" He said softly trying calm you down. And his soft voice always calm you down but unfortunately not this time.

"You think you are sooo good at dancing and I'm shit? Is that why you laughed?? Huh then let me tell you something oppa. You are a completely IDIOT compared to me you can't even help me with my homework!! I wish I had a smart older brother like Namjoon Oppa who would help me with all the studying rather than wasting all their time on fucking dance which is nothing more than just a waste of energy and time!!!!!" You were breathing heavily and your eyes were red. You saw a shock expression on Jimin's face but you didn't regret a word you said to him.

Jimin's POV

I was taken back from what she just said. She sure was a brat sometimes but she never tried to hurt others intentionally. She's a sweet little princess. I just couldn't believe those harsh words actually came from my little sister. I was shocked for a second that it took me quite while to proceed what was just being said. Then "fucking dance" those two words hit me so badly. Sure the only thing I was good at was probably just dance I'm not smart like Namjoon Hyung but dancing wasn't "just a waste of energy and time" to me. It meant sooo much to me. It was one of the biggest things that made my life so special and happy. I felt an anger raising up inside me. I knew this was a bad idea and I'll eventually regret it but I wasn't in a right state. I was mad and I just couldn't stop myself. I raised my hand high in the air and the next second a loud SMACK echoed in the room and you could see the red handprint on Chim's cheek. She froze for a second, shocked. But then soon she started crying louder than ever. I heard footsteps coming closer and saw Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung rushing towards us looking worried.

"Shhh... what happened? Tell Appa what happened" Yoongi hyung said rubbing her back. Chim looked up from her hands and pointed at me. He gasped when he saw the red handprint on her cheek.

Namjoon hyung came towards to me and asked me sternly "Did you slap her?"

I knew lying would only increase my punishment but I was too scare to admit that I slapped her. Deep inside I was regretting slapping her but then part of me thought that she deserved it so I remained silent glaring at my now crying sister.

"PARK JIMIN!!!" I flinched at Yoongi hyung's voice. "Answer the question before I spank you bare right in from of your sister"

"Hyung... please don't" I looked up at Namjoon hyung for a help but I saw no signs of sympathy in his eyes which he normally have. That's when I realized that I'm fucked up.

"PARK JIMIN" again Yoongi hyung's stern voice echoed in the room. "The question was simple did you slap her or not"

I knew I was getting punished for this but don't you think I'm the only one who's getting spank is unfair since she's the one who started the whole thing? Well that's what I thought. I glared at Chim for one last time and turned to Yoongi hyung. Oh man he was beyond furious he looked as if he's gonna explode.

"I did slap her. And I'm not sorry for slapping her why? Why don't you ask her yourself she knows very well that she deserved that slap"
I was surprised when I was being turned sideways and bent over Namjoon hyung's arm. Honestly I would have expected this from Yoongi hyung but not Namjoon hyung.


Three harsh hits were given on my thighs and I struggled get out of his grip but he bent me back on his arm and locked me with his other arm.


"YOU DONT KNOW WHAT SHE SAID TO ME HYUNG!!! She said she wish she had a smart oppa like you, hyung. She wish she had you as her brother rather than someone who knows nothing about studying but KNOWS ONLY HOW TO FUCKING DANCE WHICH IS A WASTE OF ENERGY AND TIME FOR HER!! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I pushed Namjoon hyung on the floor and left the room not caring the yells coming after me. I was hurt. The only thing I wanted for my sister is for her to be happy. I wanted to be the best brother she could ever asked for. I loved her more than anyone and anything in this world. But now I failed to be a good brother and it hurts me a lot the fact that she wishes to have an older like Namjoon hyung than someone like me who only knows how to dance and sing. I collapsed on my bed and cried my heart out. It hurts it hurts too much.....

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