Fight (pt.2)

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Jimin's POV

I heard Namjoon hyung's voice calling my name over the door but I just let myself fall asleep. I was exhausted from all the crying......

Namjoon's POV

When I got the spare keys I rushed back to Jimin's room. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw the boy sleeping. Tears stained on his face. He slowly opened his eyes as I caressed his face softly. He flinched and backed up a little.

"H-hyung...." he hiccuped and started sobbing again

"Shh.. Jimin calm down... please look at me Jimin" I said trying soothe him.

"No... you are going to spank me" he said his voice shaking.

"Even after we talk, if you still think you don't deserve this punishment then I won't give you one. I just wanna talk Jimin"

He slowly looked up his eyes were filled with tears.

"I know you didn't just slap her there must be a reason"

"Hyung.... what she said really hurt me. She doesn't want me to be her brother she wants someone better someone like you hyung. She made me feel so worthless" He broke into tears and I was just in time to catch his body from hitting the floor. I hugged him tightly hoping it would help him.

"No no no never ever say that again!!!you are not worthless!!! Without you we are not BTS! Without you we are incomplete. You mean sooo much to us. And Chim knows that too. You know how much she loves and looks up to you. If she's the only family you've got left then you are the only one she's got. Sure we take care of her like our sister but Jimin you are special to her. I'm not telling you to forgive her, she still needs to apologize you for what she has said but you also need to understand that she's young and doesn't know how much her words could affect people sometimes. But that doesn't give you a right to hit her out of an anger. Do you understand?"

He nodded and cried harder into my shirts. Soon my shirt was soaked with his tears but I didn't care. I waited till he calmed down a little.

"Do you want me to go get you some water?" I asked pulling Jimin off from me. But he shook his head.

"Hyung..... I deserve the punishment...."

I smiled sadly at him and ruffled his hair. Knowing how much it must have hurt Jimin to hear those words from y/n I felt it wasn't fair to give him punishment. But then hitting someone out of anger is something we would never tolerate in this house and we both knew he needed spanking for this. Jimin stood up and pulled off his protections down and bent over the bed holding tightly to the bed sheets.

"I'm giving you 20 with the cane and that's it"

He didn't scream nor moved. He stayed still throughout the whole punishment.




The only sound could be heard in the room was the painful cracking sound and occasional sniffling from the poor boy.....

Yoongi's POV

It took him everything to keep himself calm and not to yell at her when he heard what she has said to Jimin. What Jimin did was wrong and that would never change but in his opinion hurting someone with those harsh words was worse. The burn that Jimin left on her cheek will eventually heal and she'll probably forget about it after few weeks. But the scars she had left in him was deep he could just see it on his face. Yoongi took a deep breath and turned to look at y/n. His eyes filled with disappointment.

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