Chapter 8

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 "Soooooooooo???" Caroline says, wiggling her eyebrows.

I look innocently at her while sipping my coffee.

This morning when Roman left, I explored the house until I found the kitchen. Caroline was making coffee, and we just started talking.

"What do you mean?"

She dramatically huffs.

"I mean how Roman was freaking out and how you came out of his hospital room this morning, all smiley and shit,"

I fake gasp.

"Oh my god, Caroline, did you just....curse?"

She smacks my arm, but I see the smile creeping up her face.

"No, in all seriousness, nothing happened,"


A small blush creeps up my face.

"Well, I did tell him about my family. I wanted him to know, so that maybe ya know, he'd be more open to them coming in the future."


I huff.

"And, he comforted me, and he was actually kind of sweet about it..."

"Awwwwww, you're making my brother a softy already,"

I roll my eyes at her.

"Where is he anyways?"

"He had to do some pack stuff, paperwork."

I nod.

We sit a while, just sipping our coffee and listening to the everyday activities of the people outside.

"I thought the warrior wolves lived in a pack house,"

She nods knowingly.

"The unmated ones live here. We all eat meals together. Well I mean dinner in breakfast,"

I snap my head up to her.

"Really? Where are they? I want to go have breakfast with them."

I move to get up from our comfortable position on the couch, but she grabs my arm and gently pushes me back down.

"They're long gone."

"What do you mean?"

She gives me a look that reads, Do you actually not know?

"Kada, it's 11 am,"

My eyes go wide.

"I need to take a shower, and get dressed, and like, act like an adult.

Caroline laughs as I stumble off the couch and head towards the stairs.

"Wait, Makada, you wanna go on a run? Explore the grounds?"

My first instinct was to jump up and down and scream YESSS, but memories of yesterday flood my head.

"Thanks Care, but I don't wanna get you in trouble again," I say, my disappointment evident on my face.

She gets up and takes my arm, before dragging me down a hallway I hadn't noticed before.

"Caroline, what?"

She stops at a big oak door with small decadent designs on it. The intoxicating smell meets me again, and I know exactly who's on the other side of that door.

Before I can protest, she swings the door open and pulls me inside.

"Roman, I'm taking her for a run and you can't stop me,"

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