Chapter 40

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(Alpha Donovan^^^^)

"wow, you weren't kidding," I mindlink Roman as Alpha Donovan approaches us. It has been 2 weeks since we first got the tip about war and our pack has been training none-stop. Me among them. I also have taken a large part in training the teens and by the looks of it, I'd say we're in pretty damn good shape.

"Alpha Donovan, thank you for agreeing to help us." Roman says politely.

When Roman said he was intimidating, damn he meant it. This guy was a good 6'5, making me look like a literal child next to him. His arms and part of his neck are covered in tattoos, his ears are pierced with black studs and his expression was in a perpetual scowl. His grey eyes looked like they were piercing into my soul and his sharp jaw was clenched.

He looked at me and his eyes raked my body slowly, making a terrible shiver course through me. Roman growls and pushes me behind him so I'm hidden from view.

"Alpha Roman, you're very welcome." he says lowly. "I have no doubt you will do the same for me less we need it?"

"You have my word." Roman growls, and although his words were kind, his tone sounded like he wanted to punch Alpha Donovan.

"Good. But I doubt I'll ever need it. As for the attack..."

"We'll discuss the plans in our Green Room. All the information is there."

Alpha Donovan nods and Roman leads him away towards the green room, and as he passes me Alpha Donovan snaps at me, like actually subtly bites his teeth together but he walks away as soon as Sebastian stands in front of me.

"What an asshole." Seb mutters.

"I don't know, I think he's just trying to scare all of us." I shrug.

Seb turns to me.

"I have to go too, as the knew Delta with Caroline. As the Luna you are welcome to come."

I think a minute before shaking my head.

"I wouldn't be any use, I know nothing of war strategy. I'll go help the teen-training and meet you guys afterwards."

He nods.

"Be careful though Makada. Alpha Donovan's warriors are all here and they after meeting their Alpha I wouldn't be surprised if their all jerks too." I chuckle a little and playfully push his arm.

"Don't let the Alpha hear you!"

Seb smiles at me again before making his way over to the Green Room with the others.

As for me, I head over to the training grounds and the Sparring building. Memories from the first time I snuck here with Caroline flashback to my mind and I laugh a bit to myself as I remember what went down with me and Roman. I turn towards the building - it wouldn't hurt to have one peak, for old times sake.

Once I get inside I notice it's packed basically to the max with the warriors from Alpha Donovan sparring our warriors. The music is pumping loudly through the speakers on top of cheering and yelling, it's hard to differentiate the different groups. I start watching a certain group fight, a man from our side and a woman from theirs. It was intriguing, the woman's technique was so different than ours and she made beating our warrior look easy.

"Luna, a group of children were wandering in the woods, we can't find them!" I hear next to me. I turn to look for the source of the voice but I don't see anyone looking at me in the crowd.

"Luna! The Alpha is busy and you are the only one we have! Go help the children!"

I start to get nervous and anxious so I just shout.

"Where are the children??" Hoping the voice heard me.

"At the west point of the woods! Please hurry I smelled rogues!!"

That's my breaking point as I run out of the building. I start running towards the woods but I stop myself. This...this feels like a trap. I should tell someone before I just go running into the woods...

I start running towards the pack house instead, hoping to see someone, anyone.

"Luna! Thank goodness I found you! There's children in the woods!!"


The old Lady runs to me and puts her hands on my shoulders pushing me towards the woods.

"Thank goodness I found you! There's children in the woods!!"

Wait, didn't you just say that? I shake it off. I trust Paola, she's a sweet old lady that's lived here for years.

"I should tell the Alpha, Paola..."

"No need, I already told him and he said you were strong enough and he trusted you to get the children!"

I take a deep breath.

"Where are they?"

"At the west point of the woods! Please hurry I smelled rogues!!"

I start running in the direction, thinking Paola's words over in my head. The same exact wording...

I run deeper into the woods, shaking my doubts from my mind as I pick up a scent. I run faster, dodging boulders and branches until a make it towards the clearing, where the scent is strongest.

A chill goes down my spine, and a bad aura comes over the area, the trees shaking in the wind as if they can feel trouble.

"Well, well, didn't think I would run into you again sweetheart." I snap my head around to see none other than Fane.


"That's right sweetheart, it's good to see you again."

"Wish I could say the same." I snap.

"Oh, that's no way to talk to your brother inlaw, is it? You should have some more respect." He says with a smile. He walks towards me and I back away.

"You could never earn my respect." I spit.

He throws his head back and laughs darkly.

"Well then, what if I just forced it?"

I feel a pricking sensation in my neck. I turn my head to see a syringe, being held in a freshly manicured hand...Clarisse.

"Clarisse!?! What the hell??"

She snickers and pushes me as I feel my energy being drained out of me.

"You took my man, you bitch!"

I grab onto a tree trunk to support myself as my vision goes in and out.

"He's my mate, you psychopath! Maybe you would understand if you had one! Why are you even doing this? Just to get to Roman? He doesn't and will never love you!!" I scream at her.

"You're so stupid. I know now that you took him he's gone, but it wouldn't have happened if you were never his mates!

She kicked at me so I fell on my hands and knees on the dirt, my head starting to pound.

"It barely matters anymore now, I found someone more worth my time." I watch her as she walks towards Fane and grips his face, pulling him towards her and making out with him. He grabs her ass and they literally start grinding on each other, right in front of me. I see it as a moment to crawl away but my leg is suddenly yanked back.

"Fane always has loved me, so how could I possibly turn him down when he asked me for help?" She says sickeningly sweet. My mind suddenly clicks and I look up at her.

"When? When did you first start seeing Fane?" I ask, dreading the answer.

"When he was Alpha, of course. Funny, his little mate was so heart broken when she walked in on us, but what can I say? I was better." She snickered. I only had one thought in my mine. Aella.

"You piece of shit, you ruined Aella's happiness, you're such a, such a," I reach for words but my mind goes blank and fuzzy. I hear a buzzing in my ears as my eyes begin to droop.

"Such a...what? You didn't finish?" Clarrise's voice mocks me but it's far away.

And then everything goes black.

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