Chapter 18

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"Lemme see, lemme see, lemme see." I mumble to myself. It had been nearly 3 hours since Roman and I went to see Fane, and dinner had long been over. Right now, I'm trying to be useful and make something for Roman to eat.

"AH-HA! Gotcha." I pull out some mozzarella cheese and basil, then search through the cupboards and find pasta. Quickly getting the tools and ingredients I need, plus putting my phone on some relaxing music, my sole focus is on making margarita infused pasta.

I hum to the music as one of my favorite songs come on, and I sway my hips to the chill beat.

I stir the pasta, but still when I hear a door slam. Roman must be home. I rush to the hallway near the door.

"Roman, I made - oh, hi." I stop when I see a face I've never seen before. He smirks at me, his aura creepy and unsettling.

"I'm Makada, are?"

He walks towards me and I take steps back.

"I know who you are. I'm -"

"Jaxon!" Relief floods through my body as Roman walks through the door. Shirtless.

"Jaxon this is my mate, Makada. Makada, this is a friend of mine, he just got back from New Zealand."

I nod and back towards the kitchen. I felt so, so uncomfortable in Jaxon's presence. Roman seems to notice.

"Jaxon you can take the third door on the right, second floor." The man called Jaxon nods, and turns to me with a smirk and a wink before scurrying off down the hall.

I face back towards Roman as he growls.

"He better watch it." He looks off in the direction that Jaxon.

I roll my eyes but smile at his possessiveness.

"C'mone, I made you some dinner!" He looks at me and smiles. I love his smile...

"You made dinner for me?"

I nod happily and run for the kitchen, but I don't get very far before I'm picked up and thrown over Roman's shoulder.

"R-Roman" I say between laughs. "Put me down!"

We're in the kitchen in no time. He places me down on the counter and before I can even think his lips are on mine, in a passionate and hungry kiss. I cup his face in my hands and he grips my waist on the counter top.

"Roman." I say between kisses.

"Hmm?" He says lazily, moving onto my neck where my mark should be.

"W-we need t-to t-talk."

He sighs and pecks my lips before setting me down on the ground.

"Let me help you with the food first, then I promise I will answer all of your questions." I nod and we get the pasta and some garlic-bread I made, and we bring it over to one of the living rooms. Roman puts one of the coffee tables over to the love-seat so it can act as a table.

I sit down on the love-seat next to Roman, but he growls and lifts me up and places me on his lap.

"Alright mia bella, ask away."

"First off, do you speak Italian? Because that sounds like Italian."

He chuckles.

"Yes, I speak Italian, I lived there for 15 years."

I nod.

"So, Fane is your brother?"

He sighs and puts his fork down.

"Yes, Fane is my brother." I Look at him expectantly, encouraging him to continue. "I know Caroline told you about our parents, and how the Alpha brought us in as his apprentices, but that's not entirely true. Fane, our older brother, was the one who led us to the Alpha. Mind you, he didn't care a scrap about Caroline or me, but he did bring us here. He knew the Alpha at the time was kind, and even kinder to children. A few years later, Fane was training to be the next alpha, but there were some, issues that the pack was concerned with. They didn't want someone like Fane being their Alpha. And so, went the Alpha died and he became Alpha, he went on a rampage. He was so angry with the pack that he purposely made bad choices that hurt them. This went on for 5 years, until he found his mate."

"Aella." I answer for him.

"Yes, Aella. She was part of another pack, an average wolf. Not even a warrior. But Fane disrespected her and cheated on her. He rejected her when she walked in on him fucking another girl." Roman's grip around my waist tightens and rub his arm soothingly.

"Around this same time the pack was fed up with him and his inability to be Alpha, and so they went on a "strike" you could call it. They chased him off the throne and appointed me the new Alpha. I was 17." I gasp and hug him tightly. So much pressure at such a young age must of been so difficult.

"I'm sorry Roman."

He shakes his head.

"Don't be. It only made me better. I ran the pack and when Aella came to me, I trained her personally until she was ready to be appointed general. Our pack is so much stronger because of it."

I nod and we sit in comfortable silence until both our plates are clean.

I get up to clear the dishes but Roman holds me back by the grip on my waist.

"Let me."

He stands up and places me on the love-seat, then picks up both plates and heads towards the kitchen.


"Uh, Roman?"

"Hmm?" He's standing over the kitchen sink, washing the dishes.

"Earlier, when Fane said my blood smells sweet," he stills and growls lowly. "What did he mean?"

Roman sighs and places the now clean dishes on the counter.

"Another time, baby. I'll tell you another time."

I nod, knowing not to push it.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you..."

"What?" He turns towards me and walks towards me until my back is pushed up against the counter, and both his hands are on the sides of me, locking me in.

"I um, I um." I mumble.

He narrows his eyes at me.

"Actually, could I tell you in the morning?"

Instead of being annoyed like I thought he was going to be, he laughs and nods.

"Of course baby, but you know you don't need to be nervous around me." He winks teasingly at me and I blush.

"Roman," I whine. "Stop, I hate when you do that."

"Do what?" He is full on laughing at me right now.

"You're making me blush on purpose!"

"Aw, I'm sorry, please let me make it up to you," he says smiling. I can't help but laugh at his adorableness.

"And how would you do that?"

He stalks towards me and picks me up, running upstairs to my bedroom door and before I can even process what's happening, his lips are on mine in a passionate kiss.

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