Chapter 43

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Makada's POV

I feel the cool medal being pressed against my temple and I shut my eyes, waiting for the pain and darkness to take over me...a gunshot bursts through the air and makes my ears this it?

I feel a wave of air whip through my hair and clothes and the chain around my hands being broken, a little painfully but not as painful as it would be if they stayed on.

I peel my eyes open, expecting the snarl of Maxen but instead I see...Roman.

"Roman?" I whimper. Please be real, please be real, please.

"It's me baby, I love you and I'm so sorry, but you have to go with Sebastian now."

"Wait but, how did...?"

"My speed baby, remember? I never trusted my father with my gift for a reason" I nod slowly and he smiles at me, kissing my forehead before pushing me into Sebastian's arms. He groans slightly while pushing me and it's then that I notice blood seeping out of his shoulder...Maxen shot him...
 Seb shifts into his black spotted brown wolf and kneels down, instructing me to get onto his back and Roman nods at me to go.
"Roman, y-you're hurt -"
Arms grip me from behind and lift me up onto Sebastian's fur. I look behind me as Nolan nods at me.
"No, I-i c-can't l-leave! N-no!" I scream as Sebastian starts running with me on him away as my own screams gets engulfed in a tsunami of yells and screams, an indication that the war has started.


Makada's POV

"Luna, please, I need to finish checking you!"

I push past the doctor and towards the door.

"I'm sorry Doctor but I'm not just going to stand by while my pack fights them!"

My head spins with dizziness but I just shake it off and run towards the exit of the bunker.

When I walk out a horrifying sight meets me, the littered bodies and blood covers the ground like a carpet. In front of me I can see wolves tearing apart vampires. There are 1 or 2 collapsed wolves, and my heart shatters at the sight of them. But I push myself forward - even though my entire being is begging me not to - I can't take my mind off of the people I love possibly being in danger.

My bond with Roman is slowly starting to come back to me, and every now and then I can feel his pain, scratches on my arms and legs or my back but I continue forward. I run past 3 vampires fighting two wolves and watch from the corner of my eye as the wolves tear the vampires to shreds. Good.

Finally across the field I see Roman. He's surrounded by 10 vampires at least but he savagely slams into all of them, ripping off their limbs and heads. Blood coats his body like a second skin and as I run closer to him I pray to the moon goddess that none of it's his.

Finally, when I'm just a few yards away, he faces Maxen. I hide behind a tree and watch them glare at each other.

"I hate to say I don't like what you've done to the place." Maxen drawls out slowly.

Roman growls.

"You harmed my mate and for that you will die."

"Oh son, I turned your brother, it shouldn't be difficult to turn you too."

"Fane has always been eaten up with evil, he is nothing like me."


Maxen reaches into his coat and pulls out a photo, throwing it at Roman who catches it with ease.

His eyes glaze over as he looks at the image.

"We can be like that again, son. I know you want us all together, we can be like that. You just need to help me with this little thing and then we'll be perfect."

Roman almost looks as though he believes his father when suddenly he takes a step back.

"And what about Caroline?"

"What about her?" Maxen says dryly. "We both know she doesn't have any Vampire characteristics, just like her mother." he mutters with distaste. "She'll have to be left."

Roman seems to snap out of the "photo" trance and he lunges at Maxen, taking him off guard. Immediately he shifts into his wolf and starts snapping at Maxen, trying to hurt him in any way. But Maxen punches him squarely in the jaw and Roman flies back until his back hits a tree. It's clear what Maxen's gift is. Roman gets up quickly and lunges for Maxen again but the same thing happens - Roman growls, more like roars and I watch horrified as Roman's eyes turn blood red, and his wolf gets bigger, fangs elongated beside canines as he turns completely into all his beasts at once.

He stalks towards Maxen and Maxen steps back, mumbling about "let's talk about this."

I watch mortified as Roman tears off Maxen's arm and Maxen screams a blood curdling scream, blood going everywhere and turning the grass red.

"That's for Caroline," Roman growls. He unmercifully rips off his other arm, the scream echoing around the field and causing the fight to pause.

"That's for my mother,"

He rips off Maxen's leg to his kneecap, and I shut my eyes, trying to shake the horrid images from my mind.

"That's for Makada," Maxen foolishly tries shuffling away...

"And this is for me," He tears off the Maxen's remaining leg as if snapping a branch from a tree and throws it across the field. This isn't Roman, this is a monster I never could have imagined.

Maxen is now laying on the ground, barely any life left in his eyes as his blood spills out of him by the gallon.

He gasps for air but still chuckles.

"I." *gasp* "raised you" *pant* "well," *pant.* "son."

With that I watch eyes wide as Roman roars and rips off Maxen's head, leaving nothing but a mangled body and scattered limbs and blood.

There are cries and screams all throughout the field as Maxen dies and the Vampires start running towards the edge of the territory, but wolves chase them down until the only thing left are bodies and wolves.

I come out behind the tree, Roman's red eyes snapping to mine, his black and bloodied fur still somehow sleek and majestic.

His teeth are still barred with blood dripping from them. I try to walk to him, to calm him, to sit in his arms and just cry - but something comes over me - a heaviness that sits on my head and shoulders and I can't help but fall at its weight, succumbing to darkness as it suffocates me. I feel excruciating pain for what seems like hours but is only seconds before my consciousness is completely gone.

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