10: TEN

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Marisol was given her own room. She excused herself as soon as they arrived, and she sat on the bed, just thinking. She was scared at first; there was no doubt, but now? Now she felt nothing. After all the years of her father's abuse, had she become cold to these situations? That scared her more than being attacked. Tala whined on her lap, and Marisol smiled softly.

She heard someone shout downstairs. She stood up from her bed, hearing loud steps coming up the stairs and her door swing open.


She sighed in relief. She walked forward, and he lunged. Her arms wrapped around him, and she closed her eyes contently. "Grey."

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. It was just...I should call the police."

"We already did." No, they didn't, but they would take care of it. "Do you remember the rules I talked about when we started al of this?"

She nodded.

"They start now."

"But we don't know if I'm pregnant yet."

"I don't care, Marisol. Your safety is the most important thing to me no matter what. Tomorrow we will go to your house and get everything you need."

"Wait, I need to go back tonight...I need my cane, and Tala's harness, and clothes for work. My files are also there–"

"Marisol, you were just attacked. Take tomorrow off."

She shook her head. "I can't. My job won't let me. Besides, working calms me down."

Grey shook his head. They would talk more about this later. "A doctor is going to be here soon to take a look at you."

"I'm fine–"

"Enough, Marisol, I insist."

Marisol could hear the hint of frustration in his voice. She didn't take offense, she knew something was wrong. She knew he was probably worried. "Are you okay? You seem... stressed."

He sighed. He wished he could talk to her about everything going on, but he wasn't sure how to even start. He wanted to be candid with her, and he knew that she would eventually accept his life, but he didn't want to cause her more stress. "A lot is going on. Come on, let's get you dinner."

After eating, he reluctantly brought her back to her home. She sighed as she entered. "I don't understand what happened."

He remained quiet, helping her upstairs to her room. He found her luggage and set it on the bed. Silently, he sat down and grabbed her hands. "Marisol."

She smiled at him. "Grey."

He smiled, almost sadly, as he looked at her. "I think you were attacked because of me, and I am sorry. I didn't think anything like this would happen so quickly."

She cocked her head to the side. "You thought something like this would happen eventually? Why?"

"Some people do not like the power I have amassed. I knew eventually word about you would get out, but I didn't think it would be so soon."

"It's not your fault, Grey."

"It is my fault," he affirmed. "If I had been here with you and never gone–"

"Greyson," she said, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Stop blaming yourself. Nothing happened anyway. I'm fine. They were the people who broke in, not you. Your wealth and power do not justify others' violence."

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