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"Your headaches haven't gotten better, huh?"

Marisol shook her head at Meredith. "I still get them a lot."

"And you've been taking Tylenol?"

Marisol nodded as Meredith gently pressed against her stomach. "Then I'm afraid bedrest is probably the best answer."

"I-I have work. I can't stay in bed all day!"

"I'm afraid your maternity leave begins now. Keep taking Tylenol, but if your headaches get worse or don't end, come back, and we'll see what else we can do. Keep drinking water and limit the amount of activity you participate in."

Marisol sighed softly as another burst of Tala invaded her mind as Grey drove them back. Marisol closed her eyes again as pain radiated through her skull. Seeing her discomfort, Grey put a comforting hand on her thigh.

"We can stop to get more medicine."

"No, it's okay. I'll get over it."

He stopped anyway and picked up some chocolate to make her feel better. When they got back, he laid with her as her head ached.

Sitting up, she groaned. "It really hurts."

"I know, I'm sorry," he whispered, rubbing her back. He took her back into his arms and laid down. Eventually, she fell asleep in his arms, and Greyson stayed.

As Marisol turned in the bed, Grey woke up. He sat up and got out of bed, putting on some pants to go get some painkillers for her. She quickly sat up as she heard the door shut. She yawned and rubbed her eyes– the light was so bright coming through the windows. She wondered why Grey never closed the curtains.

Her heart jumped in her chest. Her head swung to her hands, gazing at their dark complexions. She forgot what she looked like. It's been so long. How could she forget? She...she could see. She stood up quickly, too quickly as she became dizzy. She smiled, and only two desires filled her. The second was to see herself; did she still have freckles? Did she look different? Were her eyes the same color? What about her teeth? Her hair?

But the first need, the need that almost made her stop breathing, was to see him. The man who loved her even when she was bruised. The man who never left her crippled side. She didn't change out of her pajamas. She rushed to the door, throwing it open. Abigail was down the hall and heard the commotion. She came out of her room, seeing Marisol practically run to her.


"Abigail? Oh, Abigail, you're so pretty! I didn't know you were so beautiful. Not to say that I thought you weren't pretty, it's just that–"

Nolan stepped out of their room, rubbing his head sleepily. "What's going on?"

"Nolan! I thought you looked different! But this different is good! It's a good different!"

"What the fuck is happening?" Nolan asked his mate.

"Where's Grey?"


Before he could finish, she was already gone, trampling down the stairs. She passed through the living room and then dining room, and as she made her way to the entrance of the kitchen, she suddenly stopped.

What if he didn't look like what she thought he did?

What if...fuck that, he was Greyson. He was her mate. She took a breath, walking in. He started to speak, but not before she ran to him, and gasped as she saw his dazzling eyes. Her hands gently ran over his face. Tears streamed down her face as he stood there, just watching her.

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