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Marisol sat up from a shooting pain up her back. She winced, feeling the little kicks of her babies against her ribs.

"Marisol, what is it?"

Greyson sat up, kissing her shoulder as she felt another contraction. She grabbed his hand, squeezing her eyes shut. "I'm okay," she whispered. "I think it's just another Braxton."

"Marisol, you've had them for hours. I'm going to go get Cal."

"H-he's still here?"

"Yes, my parents asked him to stay for a few days. Stay here, okay," he whispered, kissing the top of her head. He quickly got dressed and left the room. She chuckled as he left her in the dark. It was humorous to her; the people around her always forgot that she wasn't blind anymore. She got up and wobbled her way to the light switch, switching it up. She winced again, taking a break as another hick radiated through her.

She stood up, hearing the door open. As Cal examined her, she realized that the pain was all gone. It felt like a recurring cramp. Her uterus would tighten and then release, and it sucked, but she's been through worse.

"It's another Braxton Hick, I'm afraid. More water would help make them less frequent, but certain exercises will also relieve them."

"I've been chugging water, doc," she whined. "What exercises?"

"You could walk, some basic yoga, but in my experience, and I think Alpha will not mind this, sex tends to work best. It produces the same relief as sex during your period." He chuckled. If that doesn't work, I'm afraid we have to deal with it until you give birth."

Marisol watched as he left. Grey got off the bed and went into the bathroom. He returned with some water and then began getting ready for bed again. He climbed under the covers and turned off the light.

"Woah, Woah, what do you think you're doing?"

"Huh?" He muttered.

It hurt her feelings. She wanted sex. Maybe he didn't find her attractive anymore. Maybe he didn't want her as she wanted him. She shook her head. "Nevermind."

"Marisol, what is it?" He sat up as she laid back down. He turned her to her back and saw tears running down her cheeks. He paled, realizing something upset her. "What did I do?"

"Do you still want me?" She heaved.

"What? Of course I do. Come here," he said, pulling her waist into him. "Wanna have sex?"

She pouted, nodding her head.

Marisol was eating breakfast when Grey walked in with keys. "Are you almost done?"

She smiled as he kissed the top of her head. "Yeah, I'm finished now. Wait, I thought you had some big meeting or something?"

"Something came up. I have to talk to you about something."

She looked at him questioningly before nodding. She asked for his help to stand up. He grabbed her jacket, even though she insisted she was hot. As he led her out of the house, she realized they were getting into his car.

"Wait, where are we going?"

He stayed silent as he opened her door and buckled her in. Going to the driver's seat, he got in and strapped his seatbelt. "There are two things I have to tell you. One bad and the other good. Which do you want first?"

She gulped. "What's going on? Is everything okay?"

Grey couldn't look at her. He just stared out of the front window with his arm on the steering wheel as his hand fiddled with the keys. "I've been thinking about when a good time to tell you would be–"

Fill Me, AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now