👑 One

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One year later

A small white capsule sealed in a clear case, slides under the door. Like a record on repeat, I pop it in my mouth swallowing it back with a glass of water from the sink. I am told it is for my blood pressure and to never question them about their professional knowledge as they are the best medical professionals in the country.

"Storm, can I borrow your hairbrush?" Maria asks me, getting up from her bed, and snapping me out of my deep thoughts. I've shared a room with Maria since we were ten years old. That's how she became my best friend. There's no one I'd rather share my company with. All the servants must share a room with another servant. It's funny, considering the palace has enough bedrooms for every person here.

"Sure." I nod pointing to the brush near the rusted, chipped mirror. I wondered if it had always been rusted or if it was once a beautiful golden frame. As beautiful and lavish as the palace is and as wealthy as the Goldens are, the servant quarters are nothing but stone-cold walls and hand me downs.

She walks over to, running it through her dirty blonde shoulder-length hair. She stares at her fine strands instead of her face. Maria is beautiful, but she does not see it. She says the Goldens' are the most beautiful creatures on earth. I quietly disagree. They may use their powers to look beautiful, but they are vicious, power-hungry, selfish and ugly on the inside.

We call them the Goldens' for obvious reasons. Golden eyes, golden blood. They are the royals of our society who make the rules and control our lives. Their eyes hiss with order and power, their long nails sharp and their eyesight even sharper. Not only are they incredibly rich, but they are the only ones with magic in their veins. With one snap of their long fingers, they can change small features to appear exactly how they want others to see them. They are Reshapers.

The King and Queen and their brothers and sisters all have huge roles in taking care of Goldvail. Then there's the Crown Prince, next in line to be the king. All the pressure and eyes are on him to publicly set an example, showing everyone we are in his capable hands.

As for the rest of us, they call us the Colours' because our blood is blue or green. No one has seen red or brown Bloods for years. I'm pretty sure they are extinct. But when I imagine brown eyes, I can't help but to picture them on myself. I heard they are a stunning colour when they reflect sunlight. They are the colours of amber and onyx... like pools of honey.

Instead of them seeing me, all they see is my colour. My Greenblood. I tend to look away, uncomfortable under their gaze. Maria, on the other hand, has blue eyes, like the ocean. Sometimes on a summer's day, her eyes look like the glittering sea when the sun is at its highest peak. You could honestly get lost in them if you stare long enough. Sometimes I wish I had her eyes too.

Someone knocks on our door. Maria glances at me once again before opening it.

The door opens to an older lady, her dress laced in gold sequences, and her blonde hair tied up into a neat thick bun. A braid runs around the bun with small streaks of pink. She had a sour look on her face as she appeared into our room.

"Our dresses!" Maria exclaims.

I've never been ecstatic about these dinners like Maria, it's a pointless event to show off what the Goldens' Money can offer. Not to mention the gossip they cough up. They love to make us feel inferior, diseased... normal.

The green fabric of my dress makes me want to barf as I stare at it.

"I know that look." Maria says handing me the mirror. I gaze into it, seeing a bright forest of eyes staring back at me.

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