Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Alison finally dragged herself out from bed after spending the whole weekend in bed crying and being paranoid after she received the unexpected message. Careful, not to tell anyone about it, especially her parents. They had dealt enough with her emotional roller coaster the past few months. Taking a cold shower, she got dressed quickly then went downstairs snatching a granola bar from the kitchen counter and left for school.

"Hey my red head vixen girl! Why do you look so dead?" Corey caught up to walk beside her in the carpark.

"Jeez, thanks. I'm a walking zombie, haven't you noticed we're at Woodbury?" Alison replied flatly.

"I'm just saying you looked worn out. Anyway, how are you feeling? What caused the panic attack the other day, Al? I know you guys don't take me seriously at times but I do understand. My uncle had a traumatic experience back from his service in Iraq. Once in a while he would have a panic attack which was triggered by his anxiety and stuff." He said suddenly looking very serious, this was a completely different side of Corey that she had not seen before. He was usually the guy who goofed around in any given situation and talk about almost anything related to prurient subject most of the time.

"I guess I was just... overwhelmed knowing what Anna's going through, that's all." She said pausing occasionally.

"Yeah that's unfortunate. Just know that we're here for you, Al." He said in a serious tone, patting her back.

"Thanks, that means a lot, Corey."

"Of course, so you're going to treat me lunch or something?" He wriggled his eyebrow being cheeky once again.

"And Corndog is back." She scoffed and they walked into the school building.

The bell announced for the second period, Alison made her way towards History class where she saw Anna sitting alone near the window. She greeted and walked to her seat. Ever since the incident in the bathroom, Anna had been more friendly towards her which she was thankful for.

"Hey, are you okay? You look tired." Jason asked placing his bag on the empty table beside her.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks." She replied, feeling nervous as their kissing scene came flashing back after she had forgotten all about it. She fidgeted with her stationaries, awkwardly stealing glances of him while she noticed that he seemed the same, cool and reserved as before.

Does the kiss mean anything to him as it did to me? Ugh! Stop over thinking stuff and focus on that peace treaty 1780 something that Mr. Gregory is talking about!

During break, Rob, Loraine, Zoe, Layla and Alison sat together while Shane and Jason were sitting with their football teammates at the far end of the table. Alison took out her Nutella sandwich not wanting to buy food from the lunch lady to avoid any possible accident by the Bratz again.

"You guys are coming to Jason's thing right this Saturday?" Rob asked taking a bite of his burger.

"What thing?" Alison sat up attentively.

"Oh, right. So, Jason has been doing rock climbing for a few years now and our school coach Keelan helped to sign him up on the rock-climbing competition this Saturday. He's like a lightning monkey climbing up that wall. You should come and watch. The boys will definitely be there." Rob explained.

"Are you guys going?" Alison turned, more eager than normal, to ask Zoe and Layla who shrugged and nodded.

"Yeah, he'll need all the support he can get, right? Plus, I wouldn't turn down the opportunity to watch them hot boys flexing their muscles." Zoe grinned.

"What? I'm single, stop judging. Come on Alison, we're allowed to drool over hot boys. You're going to accompany me there." She said scowling towards Layla and Loraine with their judgmental expression, and they all agreed to go to the competition this Saturday. Alison was trying to steal a glance over to Jason when she saw the door opened, Amber and Ivy walked in just as Anna was about to walk out of the cafeteria. Oh no!

Evidently, Amber purposely bumped into Anna which made her stumbled back a few steps. Alison quickly stood up walking purposely towards her.

"Oh my, are you alright?" She asked with sarcasm.

"Drop the fake act, Amber. It doesn't suit you." Alison replied.

"Accidents happen. Like your little accident when you fainted the other day. Careful though, can you handle the task? We don't want you to faint again, do we?" Amber sneered fixing her long black hair.

"It's a shame you can't photoshop your personality." She rebuffed flatly standing in front of Anna, as confident as a lion.

"You just can't handle me cause you're stupid. Ironic, with that dork nerd face, you're still such an idiot."

"Oh yes perhaps I am stupid enough trying to lower my level just by talking to you." She sighed.

"Stupid bitch!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry you got offended by the way you're treated right now, which is the same way you treat others." She responded calmly staring straight into her brown raging eyes. Amber was about to strike her down when her wrist was quickly caught by Alison.

"I will not repeat myself so you better keep this in mind. You do not ever lay your hands on me or anyone else. Do you understand me?" She waited for her response while still holding a tight grip on her wrist, but when Amber stayed quiet, she then loosens her hold after a while, wanting to make a point. Amber and Ivy stormed out of the cafeteria, obviously ashamed on how it turned against them.

"Are you okay?" Alison turned to look at Anna who stood there, stunned at how bold Alison could be.

"Who... are you? You're like... a queen bee, how you talked back to her making her speechless, the good queen bee." Anna stood there amazed.

"Feisty Ally!" Corey stated in awe.

"Oh, she threw out my doubt out the window, now I totally believed that she actually did stood up to my brother. That girl... I won't judge a book by its cover anymore." Loraine said to herself in disbelief.

"You don't have to put up with them, how they treated you, it's not right and you shouldn't accept it." Alison placed her hands on Anna's shoulder.

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