Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Zoe, Layla and Alison were sitting in the middle of the gym audience cheering for Rob. Together with the other players, they passed and dribbled the ball to one another and finally one player attempted to shoot into the ring earning another score for Fairview High, the crowd cheered as their school basketball team earned another point with the current score of 55 to 41. They were playing against another local school, Westin High. Rob was one of the most valuable players in the team, with him earning numerous points from his countless shots. During half time, the cheerleaders were doing their routine cheering for their respective schools. Once the half time was over, the cheerleaders cleared back to their seats, Alison noticed two cheerleaders walked towards Jason who was seated in the front row together with his football teammates. One of the girls sat closely beside Jason and leaned in even closer whispering something in his ears who seemed not to mind the close proximity between them which made Alison perplexed at the scene. She could hardly focus on the game when there sat a girl in her mini skirt cheerleading outfit, flirting, touching, laughing with Jason right in front of her and he even seemed to enjoy her company, laughing along with her.

Ugh! What do you expect, Alison? He's obviously just like any other guys. Why should you feel the slightest bit of content thinking that he'd treat you anything special! It's just a meaningless kiss! Stupid!

Alison scowled without realizing that Layla noticed where her attention was directed. Unable to withstand the sickening sight, she decided to leave the gym in the middle of an on-going game where Layla followed right behind her. Jason noticed the two girls who stood, excusing their way out from the disturbed and annoyed audience. Layla caught up with Alison and tried to confront her in the empty hallway.

"What's wrong?" Layla asked.

"Nothing. Just need to go to the bathroom."

"I saw the look on your face the way you're looking at Jason and the girl back there." Layla added but Alison stayed quiet, not knowing how to respond.

"You like him." She stated.

"I don't... like him, Layla. He's... Jason."

"If you say so. You know... I've known him for a long time and he's actually a great guy, really, he just... have gone through some difficult stuff, I guess." Layla uttered concerning both Jason and Alison.

"Yeah? Well, he is a nice person and we're just friends." Alison emphasized and walked towards the bathroom. Layla and Alison went back to the gym and without realizing Alison stole another glimpse towards Jason, noticing the two cheerleaders were not there anymore. Thankfully, she could continue to focus on the game, gave her full support to Rob. The game ended with Fairview High earning the trophy.

"Congrats Rob! You were great!" Everyone praised him.

"Congratulations! You were amazing! I knew you'd win the game." Loraine gave him a peck on the lips and held his hands. They continued to celebrate the win over ice cream which was located near the school.

"I feel that  you guys deserve an ice cream, for the football win, for Jason's rock climbing and for Rob's basketball win. I didn't know I have such amazing athlete friends. Cheers guys!" Layla raised her ice cream in the air after her mini speech.

"Yeah thanks for the treat Cuz! Your focus determines your reality as Master Qui-Gon would say." Corey held a triple scoop of mint, Belgian chocolate and mocha ice cream on the cone.

"Seriously Corey, triple scoop? You're so cheap." Zoe commented holding a cone of double scoop strawberry and mango sorbet ice cream.

"Greed can be a very powerful ally." Shane replied also holding a triple scoop of ice cream.

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