Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

"Hey Ally! So sorry I was held back yesterday. So, what happened yesterday?" Zoe caught up with her at the carpark.

"I met Cole instead yesterday by the ice cream place. We talked for a while, while waiting for you." Alison gave her a piercing blaming look.

"I know... I mean. What did you guys talk about?" Zoe fidgeted awkwardly.

"How did you know? Oh my gosh... Did you actually set me up yesterday? How could you! You know that Jason and him are like sworn enemy. Why would you do that?" She paused her steps and turned towards her with her accusations.

"But... I... Okay, I'm sorry. He asked me a favor yesterday. He said that he just wanted to talk and knowing that Jason would forbid you to see him, he just wanted to make sure you were fine after the whole situation that happened. I really didn't mean to set you up or anything." She explained with guilt written all over her face as she held onto Alison's hands.

"He knew? Of course, he knew. Do you know what exactly happened between them? It's really starting to make me feel like the only outsider who doesn't know anything and nobody would tell me anything."

"Sorry, I didn't know. I've never even talked to the guy till yesterday."

They continued to walk to their classes when they spotted Anna walking by the hallway. They walked beside Anna who somehow became part of their group and went to their respective classes. After school, Jason was already waiting for Alison by the carpark when he saw Alison and Cole not far behind her trying to catch up with her. They chatted side by side, every so often he would bump into her purposely making her laughed which made his blood boiled. As they walked closer, they finally looked up and noticed a fuming Jason leaning on his striped Dodged Challenger making Cole stopped in his steps and bid her good luck before walking away from her, finally, with an arrogant smirk plastered on his face.

"Is there anything going on between the two of you?" He stated sarcastically.

"What? No. Why would you think that! I respect and trust you but you can't really forbid me from seeing my friends whoever they may be just because you don't like them. Especially without really explaining or giving me a valid reason." She said softly not trying to make him angrier than he already was.

"Trust me? I've told you he's troubled, Alison. But it seemed that you both can't get enough of each other." He repulsed.

"I'm going to ignore your false accusation. Just tell me why. Explain to me not just giving me vague reasonings that I can't even understand-"

"You know what. Do what you want. I'm not going to stop you from anything. I shouldn't even bother." He said coldly.

"It's because of Sera, isn't it?" She blurted out making him more tensed than Cole's reaction the other day.

"Who is, Sera?" She insisted, biting more than she knew she could chew, hoping that somehow, he would not be furious but explain to her instead.

"She's no one. I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow." He walked towards his car and drove off leaving Alison behind. With a heavy heart, she walked towards her car and drove back home. Although, she has no right to scream or yell at him when she also hid a huge secret from him and it would be unfair for her to demand his honesty in return of her lies.

Staring blankly at the ceiling, she was lost in her own thoughts for the past hours. Then, the doorbell rang pulling her out of her reverie.

"Jason? What are you doing here?" She opened the door only to be surprised to see Jason at her door.

"Can I come in?" She leaned to the side of the door allowing him to walk in and they went up to her room. He sat at the edge of the bed while she sat at the other edge of the bed leaning against the headboard.

"You wanted to know about Sera. Ask." He simply said, taking her by surprise but was not going to let this chance slip away.

"Who is she?" Her voice was soft, hiding herself behind a small pillow in her arms.

"She was my first girlfriend."

"I thought you don't date."

"She was the first and only, till you."

"What happened?"

"We hang out together, we just really clicked and the next thing she became my girlfriend. I know that I might not be the easiest person to deal with at the time but she stayed with me, supported me, I thought that she truly cared about me."

"Then what happened?"

"She seemed like a nice girl, everything felt so real and sincere between us. I thought we're good, I even trusted her but then after a few months of dating, I found out she was cheating with someone else."

"Cole..." She guessed that came out as a whisper.

"Yeah and the worst part was that he was my best friend at that time. I didn't know he would purposely sabotage my relationship for his own selfish self. He knew we were together, he knew about the problems I was having back then, they both knew I was struggling to take care of Loraine. I guess I was too caught up with all my problems to notice that they've been seeing each other behind my back." He seethed clenching his teeth

"I'm sorry. Did you ask him or her why?" She sat closer to him, reaching for his hands, luckily, he did not flinch from her touch.

"She just said that she fell for him and didn't know how to explain it to me. While he wanted to proof a point that she was not meant for me in a sick and selfish way. Damn, I trusted her, I refused to believe otherwise." He vindicated.

"I knew how manipulative and cunning Cole is and I just don't want you to get hurt along the way." He leaned closer cupping her cheeks with his hands.

"I understand. Thank you for explaining it to me. I know it wasn't easy and I appreciate it. I'm sorry that they hurt you the way they did. I would never hurt you like that." She affirmed looking straight into his brown eyes.

"I know." He responded giving her the most genuine and sincere smile which melted her mind and soul at the sight. She leaned closer to touch his lips with hers. The kiss was gentle and soft, the understanding and comfort they felt in each other's embrace. He placed his right hand at the back of her waist while the other reached to the back of her neck. Gently he lowered her back against the bed as he rested his arm on the bed supporting his weight above her. Their chest touched, feeling her soft perky breast on his hard chest. The kiss slowly intensified, more passionately, heat increasing, heart racing and their mind filled with lust. Her hands traveled all the way from his tousled hair to his shoulder to his lower back to his abs and back up his hard chest, finally feeling the ripples of his sculpted muscles through the thin fabric of his clothes. Each touch leaves tingles and electricity throughout his body which heightened his desire. Feeling too overwhelmed with the heat stirring within her, she placed her hands gently on his chest slowly pulling away from the kiss, slightly panting. She hardly believed herself capable of being consumed with such passion with him, or with anyone else, ever. Blushing, she slowly opened her eyes to see his two brown eyes, his pupils dilated, staring at her tenderly. He leaned placing one last kiss before smirking and leaned by her side.

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