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I grabbed a lunch tray and joined the queue of people waiting for dinner. I was beyond tired. From the backbreaking training to the sly shoves and angry insults, I was shattered. I was definitely going to sleep for a thousand years after this. I finally got to the front of the queue and looked at my options. 

Pork of beef?

Neither, thanks. I got a plate of chips and covered them in mayo, picking up a side salad and a bottle of water. Add shit food to the list of reasons I would rather be in hell than here right now. I dropped down onto a table by myself at the back of the cafeteria, absentmindedly nibbling on my food.

I was nearly finished when I gasped, scrambling away from the table. A whole jug of water was 'spilled' on me by one of the goons, who stood with mock surprise at what he had done. I stepped towards him, seething with anger, but knew better than to attack him in a public forum again. I glared at him and left the dining room, walking to the cabin. I was soaking wet and so was my phone.

 I dried it off with a towel and stripped off my sopping wet shirt. Then, I hopped into the hot shower, allowing it to relax my muscles as I washed away the anger I felt. I scrubbed my hair and body furiously. Just two more days of this; I can do that... right?

I shut off the water and wrapped a towel around my waist, looking at myself in the mirror. Could I do two more days of this? I could ask Daxx to come get me- say my ribs are playing up or something. I shook my head; I needed that scholarship money. I brushed my teeth in the mirror, which I was half way through doing when the door swung open.

"What the fuck?" I squeaked, toothpaste foam dribbling down my chin as I jumped back from the door, clutching my towel to me.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Jimmy yelled, slamming the door shut again.

I could have sworn I locked it. I made sure to lock it now he had left and tested the handle, which opened. Great. That means the lock on our bathroom door doesn't even work. I spat the rest of the toothpaste in the sink and washed it off of my chin before hurriedly putting some boxers and a shirt on- aka pyjamas. I left the bathroom and saw a red faced Jimmy sat on his bed, his knees drawn up into his chest.

"Bathroom lock doesn't work." I shrugged. I don't get why he's so embarrassed- at least I wasn't naked.

I laid down on my bed and groaned; why was it so hot in here? The summer air was humid and despite the windows being open, I felt like I was in a sauna. Jimmy was sweating a lot too and he headed to the bathroom, taking a towel. Obviously he had wanted to shower when he crashed in on my teeth brushing time.

I had settled down with a book and was almost two chapters in when I realised he was still in the bathroom. Quite a long shower. When the water eventually stopped running, he was in there another ten minutes. So he's a bathroom hogger- good to know. I'd have to make sure I get in before him again tomorrow night.

Once he eventually emerged, he was looking anywhere but at me. He walked to the windows and closed them, drawing the curtains. He locked the front door and made his way to his bed, collapsing with a huff.

"It's really fucking hot in here." I laughed, trying to break the awkward silence.

"I shut the windows so we wouldn't get bugs." He shrugged defensively, "Besides it's just as humid out there, as in here."

"I wasn't criticising you. Chill. I was making small talk."

"Oh. Sorry."

Well this was awkward again. I thought everything would be okay after our chat earlier, but I guess I was slightly naive in thinking he'd just forget about things and relax. I raked my mind for something to say. It was too early to sleep yet and I didn't feel like laying in awkward silence all evening.

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