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"Oh wow... they're really going for it." I coughed awkwardly, laughing slightly.

"Mike looks like he's trying to consume Felix." Saint shuddered mockingly, making me bark a laugh.

"That happened fast."

"Mike's not usually like that. He's pretty reserved."

"Felix is the polar opposite, usually. He goes all shy around your friend."

"Huh. So they swap roles around each other? Interesting."

"So, do you have a girlfriend? Evidently, I'm a pretty good wingman if not." I joked.

"I do, actually. She would love you. She couldn't make it tonight- a bit under the weather." Saint grinned, "We should all hang out together sometime, lover boys and Oliver included."

"That sounds good." I nodded, a smile slipping onto my face.

I had more friends! Could I call them friends yet? It was early, but I didn't care. I felt like Saint was my friend, so I was going to address him as such. We had been stood at the bar for quite a while, letting Mike and Felix get on with it.

The band closed up their set, thanking everyone for being a great audience. Saint wolf whistled as they left the stage and normal club music came back on, everyone going back to dancing. Mike and Felix started to dance with each other and I blushed on Felix's behalf- that didn't look PG.

"Somebody's getting lucky tonight." Saint laughed, also looking away from the couple.

I sipped my water, trying to sober up. There was only like one shot of vodka in that cocktail, but it's better to be safe than sorry. I noticed the drummer from the band, Oliver, heading through the crowds towards us. I bit my lip, remembering his stare.

"Oliver! You guys were great!" Saint grinned, "This is Andy, Felix's friend. My new best bud."

He jokingly swung an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a bro hug and making me grin. We were friends! I blushed at the way Oliver's eyes dragged over me- it was obvious he was flirting. I wasn't brain dead.

"I see Mike and Felix have finally gotten together." Oliver laughed, ordering a water at the bar.

"You mean you saw that coming? They've never before." Saint frowned, looking confused.

I laughed a bit- if only he knew. Oliver met my eyes with a knowing smirk, taking a sip of his water with a wink. That made my heart thud. Saint looked between us, looking confused at our secret knowledge.

"Was that planned?" Saint gasped, finally realising.

"From the stage, it seems like little Andy here is a wonderful wingman. I've heard great things from Felix." Oliver laughed, "Saint, you look like you were just told that Santa isn't real."

"Santa isn't real?" Saint gasped, mockingly.

"So, I finally get to meet the infamous Andy." Oliver grinned, taking a seat next to me and sticking out his hand to shake, "I'm Oliver, but you can call me Oli."

"No fair, I'm not allowed to call you Oli!" Saint pouted.

"You're straight and not my type." Oliver deadpanned, making me blush.

"Oh." Saint nodded, "Looks like I'm fifth wheeling on this whole group..."

"No! I'm glad I met you, I made a new friend." I grinned at Saint, making him stick his tongue out at Oli.

"Wanna dance?" Oli asked, his hand resting on my arm.

"Sure. Coming, Saint?" I asked, purposefully not wanting to be alone with the flirty guy.

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