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I woke up to a solid chest underneath me, strong arms wrapped loosely around my torso. My head was absolutely pounding, the light coming in through the curtains making it even worse. I buried my head into Jimmy's chest, groaning. Last night was hazy, but I remembered everything. How embarrassing.

I would be mad at myself for forgiving Jimmy so easily, but I understood why I did. 

I felt fragile and alone last night. Despite being surrounded by friends and having fun, I still felt so alone. I couldn't help the pull I had to darker thoughts, but I felt like Jimmy understood in a way that nobody else does. I can sense that he feels the same way, to some extent. I feel like he's the only person I can go to; I'm too scared to tell Felix- he might think I'm insane and my irrational fears were scared that it might ruin our friendship. Plus, I don't want to upset my family. I couldn't hide it from Jimmy now that he's seen it first hand.

I tried to slip out of bed, but Jimmy tightened his grip on me. He reached over to the bedside cabinet and passed me some painkillers and water, which I gulped down pretty eagerly. My head killed. He took a sip of the water too, before selling back down into a cuddle. I blushed- this was quite nice.

"Morning." Jimmy groaned, burying his face into the top of my hair to block the light out.

"Morning." I replied, appreciating how good he looked, even in the morning, "What time is it?"

Jimmy rolled over, checking his phone on the bedside table. He showed it to me and the small smile dropped off my face. It was almost lunchtime- Daxx and Connor would be back soon! I clambered out of the bed, pushing his arms off of me. I pulled on some gym shorts and a shirt, leaving the room. I was expecting to see the same trashed hallway from yesterday.

Instead, I was met with a pleasant surprise. The hallway was spotless. I padded down the glass stairs, seeing everyone awake and cleaning the downstairs with black bin bags and recycling boxes full of cans and bottles. It looked pretty much done and everybody else was already dressed and wide awake.

"Morning, sleepyhead!" Felix chirped, "Get up to much last night?"

"You guys should have woken me up- you didn't have to do all of this by yourselves." I blushed, "Breakfast on me to make up for it?"

"You're going to regret offering to pay." Saint grinned, patting his belly, "Daddy's hungry!"

"Never call yourself that again." Mike cringed, swatting Saint's head with a cleaning rag.

Jimmy padded down the stairs behind me, in just his jeans from yesterday. His bed hair looked insanely attractive and his abs were exposed, making my mouth go dry. I composed myself, tearing my eyes away. I was firmly sticking to just friends. No more. If even drunk me could avoid kissing him, so could sober me. It's not that hard. Okay, maybe it is, but I have the will power.

Felix wolf whistled, receiving a glare from me in response. Mary and Angel looked quite confused, not having been witness to last nights events. Oli rolled his eyes, asking loudly if anyone had ever heard of a shirt. Jimmy just smirked at that, patting his bare chest. I decided a shower was much needed, heading back upstairs to take one. I grabbed a towel- I felt pretty hungover so I thought a shower would help.

I found myself with a bit of pep in my step as I stepped out of the shower, once I was finished cleaning up. I threw on a clean band tee and just some black jean shorts with vans. I towel dried my hair, heading downstairs. Everyone was just chilling on the sofa, chatting. I plopped down next to Felix, swinging my arm around him.

"Thanks, Felix." I grinned, "The place looks spotless."

I noticed Jimmy was missing and I furrowed my eyebrows, looking around. Had he left? My heart began to sank and Felix noticed, patting my thigh.

Oh How Times Have ChangedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang